September 16

I don't know why we even tried this in the first place
But it all comes back to love
Yeah, it all comes back to love (na, na, na)
I been trying to do my best in the worst place
艰难困苦之时 我仍未放弃希望奋力拼搏
Cause it all comes back to love
Yeah it all comes back to love (na, na, na)
Met back in our twenties
昔日二十几岁时 你我相遇
Ex-wife wanted money
Used to wanted me back then but now you do not love me
以前你总是盼着我回去 可现在你再也不爱我了
No affection or respect
不再有丝毫眷恋 也不再相敬如宾
It's been too long since a check came my way
自收到一纸协议后 已过去太长时间
Not to sing ever since my father's death
自我父亲离世后 便也不再开口唱歌
No excuses yeah I know
没有什么理由 我知道的
I been trying, I been trying
June I'm fine, kids I'm fine
你们不用管我 我没事的
I been lying, I been lying
So much pressure, I can't sleep
重重压力 压得我夜不能寐
Everything about me aching
It's so hard to accept my kid bringing home the bacon
挣钱养家糊口 逼得我走投无路
I'm at fault, I'm a loser
我大错特错 实为失败者
Best believe I've heard it all
From the girl of my dreams that I married in the Fall
实在那年秋天 我迎娶了自己的梦中情人
And I get it, your resentment yeah is justified
我知道 你对我的憎恨也并非毫无缘由
But I've had enough of arguing, I've had enough of crying
可我受够了与你大吵大闹 也不愿再哭泣挣扎
I know that you're mad but you were mad when I was paid too
我知道你很生气 可我也为此付出了代价啊
I'm feeling helpless I just hope our love saves you
孤立无助 只愿你看在我们以往的情分上 别再生气了
It's been over twenty years, recognize our blessings
二十载已逝 你我之间仍残存着一丝旧情
Even though we can barely coexist for more than twenty seconds
可即使这样 你我在一起还是连二十秒都不能待在一起
I don't know why we even tried this in the first place
But it all comes back to love
Yeah, it all comes back to love (na, na, na)
I been trying to do my best in the worst place
艰难困苦之时 我仍未放弃希望奋力拼搏
Cause it all comes back to love
Yeah it all comes back to love (na, na, na)
I love you June, the way you grin, the way you make me laugh
June我爱你 我喜欢你笑起来和逗我笑的样子
The way you held me, way sweet angels wouldn't take me back
也喜欢你抱我时的样子 连美丽的天使都做不到
I think you're a genius, that's why I be stressing you
我觉得你天资聪颖 所以我才如此重视你
CEO, CEO, I expect nothing less from you
你就是我们家的霸道女总裁 我心满意足
That's a compliment I know I should show more
没错我在拍你马屁 我知道应该多多奉承你的
Gratitude for you, I know my attitude's been so poor
我该多多感激你 因为我对你的感激始实在不够
But so have we but this is deeper than the bank account
I know that I got pent up **** I know I need to work this out
我知道自己一直被压抑感禁锢着 我得努力摆脱掉
Russell takes me traveling, he just does our balancing
Russell带我外出旅游 他一直在协调我俩的感情【Russell是Russ的真名】
He knows that you're strong while he knows I'm unraveling
她知道你是个女强人 而我一直处于崩溃边缘
He's not taking sides, trust me he says that you're right
他并未放弃我俩 相信我 他说你是对的
He just trying to help us both, he don't wanna see us fight
他只想帮助我们两个 他也不想见我们争吵
It rained when we got married and you know I loved the sun
我俩大婚那日 天公不作美下起了雨 你也知道我喜欢晴天
You know I blamed you for things outta your control
当你控制不了局面 我却总是责怪你
But you're the one that I love
Damn, that I love (I'm sorry, I love you)
可恶 你是我的挚爱(对不起 我爱你)
I don't know why we even tried this in the first place
But it all comes back to love
Yeah, it all comes back to love (na na na)
I been trying to do my best in the worst place
艰难困苦之时 我仍未放弃希望奋力拼搏
Cause it all comes back to love
Yeah it all comes back to love (na na na)
Na, na, na
Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na
1.September 16