Slow motion
Cause money fast but when it's falling i'm in slow motion
只因时间卡顿 好让老哥我多挣点快钱
I got a stack too big to fold it
哥抽的烟是特制的 大到你折不起它
It feels so good when i hold it
当我抱紧它时 感觉真是爽的一批
But right now
Everything moving in slow motion
Yeah yeah
Slow motion
Cause money fast but when it's falling i'm in slow motion
只因时间卡顿 好让老哥我多挣点快钱
I got a stack too big to fold it
哥抽的烟是特制的 大到你折不起它
It feels so good when i hold it
当我抱紧它时 感觉真是爽的一批
But right now everything moving in slow motion
但下刻开始 一切陷入慢动作的噩梦中
Yeah yeah
I've been scratching like i've got an itch for this money
我踌躇难耐 满脑想着拿下那笔钱
I ain't religious but i'd still sin for this money
我不信教 眼睛邪恶的盯紧钱不放
Lately i ain't been budging an inch for nobody
Seeing my dreams coming true while i'm pinching my body
看到梦想里暴富的那日到来 我忍不住狠掐了自己一把
Fell all the way back i ain't been in no party
回头看看以前的路 我就是独行侠
Quit smoking new push cause i'd rather get caked
熄掉烟头 只因有妹子等我缠绵
Been on the track fell asleep on that trolley
That ode that i started we turned into eight
我轻哼赞歌 接着我们一起玩整夜
How this **** happen
It failed overnight
一夜间 却尽是事与愿违
Get that package from outta state in overnight
Only one here in this city that got it
That risk that i took let me stay overpriced
冒险愈大 愈能展现我的高身价
I got that
And thank you cuz for my clientele
多谢你们 我的支持者
Cause i got that
是的 我明白了
Ain't been to the bank in months since i cracked the safe in my closet
自打我在柜子里打开保险箱 几个月没去银行了
I got a stack too big to fold it
哥抽的烟是特制的 大到你折不起它
It feels so good when i hold it
当我抱紧它时 感觉真是爽的一批
Right now everything moving in slow motion
下刻开始 一切陷入慢动作的诅咒中
Yeah yeah
Slow motion
Cause money fast but when it's falling i'm in slow motion
只因时间卡顿 好让老哥我多挣点快钱
Yeah yeah
I got a stack too big to fold it
哥抽的烟是特制的 大到你折不起它
It feels so good when i hold it
当我抱紧它时 感觉真是爽的一批
But right now everything moving in slow motion
但下刻开始 一切即将陷入慢动作的囹圄中
Yeah yeah
Yeah, money and having fun my only two motives
Gotta take a sec to 'preciate the things you don't notice
Stop and smell all the roses
停下脚步 闻闻路边盛开的玫瑰
I want to take this time to thank who looking down from up above me here in this moment
我想借此机会感谢 那些在这一刻俯视我的人
Move in slow motion
动作分解 你踏入了慢动作的世界
Yeah yeah
I've been scratching like i've got a itch for this money
我踌躇难耐 满脑想着拿下那笔钱
I ain't religious but i'd still sin for this money
我不信教 眼睛邪恶的盯紧钱不放
Lately i ain't been budging an inch for nobody
Seeing my dreams coming true while i'm pinching my body
看到梦想里暴富的那日到来 我忍不住狠掐了自己一把
Fell all the way back i ain't been in no party
回头看看以前的路 我就是独行侠
Quit smoking new push cause i'd rather get caked
熄掉烟头 只因有妹子等我缠绵
Been on the track fell asleep on that trolley
That ode that i started we turned into eight
我轻哼赞歌 接着我们一起嗨整夜
How this **** happen
It failed overnight
一夜间 却尽是事与愿违
Get that package from outta state in overnight
Only one here in this city that got it
That risk that i took let me stay overpriced
冒险愈大 愈能展现我的高身价
I got that
And thank you cuz for my clientele
多谢你们 我的支持者
Cause i got that
是的 我明白了
Ain't been to the bank in months since i cracked the safe in my closet
自打我在柜子里打开保险箱 几个月没去银行了
I got a stack too big to fold it
哥抽的烟是特制的 大到你折不起它
It feels so good when i hold it
当我抱紧它时 感觉真是爽的一批
Right now everything moving in slow motion
下刻开始 一切陷入慢动作的幻想中
Slow motion
Cause money fast but when it's falling i'm in slow motion
只因时间卡顿 好让老哥我多挣点快钱
I got a stack too big to fold it
哥抽的烟是特制的 大到你折不起它
It feels so good when i hold it
当我抱紧它时 感觉真是爽的一批
But right now everything moving in slow motion
但下刻开始 一切陷入慢动作的轮回之中
1.Slow Motion