For Her(Cover Troye Sivan)

For Her - G5_Hunsus & Troye Sivan
Ok, look, I be fond of this song 看,我特别喜欢这首歌
Degree to my affection be equal to my original **** in place of Troye's emotion 虽然这是戳爷的歌,但喜爱程度几乎能与自己的原创持平了
We got this crazy chemistry some day or some causal moment 某些天或某些不经意的瞬间我们产生了狂热的化学吸引力
Approaching approaching, my heartbeat turns distinct 你向我越来越靠近,我的心跳越来越快
Lonely days start waving 孤独的日子终于要说再见了
Speed it up my feeling 对你的爱越来越深
Can we pick it up my pattern 我们的结局能成为我心中所想的样子吗
Never give it up when rowing 爱情的长河里千万不要放弃
Tryna get to the top of love riding 我们一定要站在爱情的巅峰
My name--G5've been that husband G5已经成为了她的老公了
Pardon?Love could be weapon 是啊,爱情也可以变成武器
Drunk in love, never lose our target 沉醉在爱河中,永远不会失去我们的方向
Drunk in soul, agree with that trust and listen 沉醉在爱河中,我们彼此信任 彼此倾听
Understanding all of me and my moral 你了解我的一切以及我的为人
Twenty years doesn't mean a waste cause you've grown up 你也长大了 20岁不是一个浪费的年纪了
Think it over whether you can accept to my honor 你会考虑接受我的殷勤吗
Wait to see, wait to see 等着看吧
Our barriers and future 未来的荆棘和美好都在等着我们
You don't have to say I love you to say I love you 你不必靠说“我爱你”来表达“我爱你”
Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons 纵天上流星飞驰,银月悬挂,我们也都忘掉
We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue 你我一起,就可筑起逃离蓝红二色的紫色庇荫
Sickeningly sweet like honey, don't need money 这(感情)甜得像蜜,金钱也可抛
All I need is you 除了你,我什么也不要
All I need is you 除了你,我什么也不要
When will be that date we made it never be too late 我们什么时候约会都不会觉得迟
Cause we still be enough to pay all day our way to long to get 因为我们还有很长的路要走
Keep pace we made our greatest effort every day to day 我们每一天都齐头并进
Lay all the stresses down our future, be okay okay to wait 卸下所有未来的压力,时刻准备着
Straight up, some day we be okay to wait 加油,我们在等着那一天的到来
Straight up, may stay away the one we hate 加油,远离那些我们厌恶的人
Straight up, never betray our way to pay 加油,永远不辜负我们一直以来的付出
I say I love you everyday which I decide to make a trend 我会养成每天都对你说 我爱你 的习惯
Straight up 继续走下去
You don't have to say I love you to say I love you 你不必靠说“我爱你”来表达“我爱你”
Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons 纵天上流星飞驰,银月悬挂,我们也都忘掉
We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue 你我一起,就可筑起逃离蓝红二色的紫色庇荫
Sickeningly sweet like honey, don't need money 这(感情)甜得像蜜,金钱也可抛
All I need is you 除了你,我什么也不要
All I need is you 除了你,我什么也不要
Eat a pill stay and chill you don't needa go 吃下这片小药丸,留下吧,外面尚有寒意,你可别离开呀
I'm about to bring emo back if you leave my home 要是你弃我而去,我便情绪不定,怅然若失
I'd panic at the disco and you'd rather watch a tv show 虽然我是忠于迪斯科,你更乐意看电视
I’mma squeeze your booty real hard like I'm kneading dough 可我愿意像揉面团那样,紧紧地抱着你
Pizza girl, I'm speeding for ya 女孩,我心跳加速也只为你
We can get married tonight if you really wanna 如果你真的愿意,我们今晚就去领证结婚
Me in a cheap suit like a sleazy lawyer 我虽身着破旧西装,也算像个庸俗律师
And if you break my lil heart, it'd be an honour 假使你伤透我心,也是我的至上荣耀
You don't have to say I love you to say I love you 你不必靠说“我爱你”来表达“我爱你”
Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons 纵天上流星飞驰,银月悬挂,我们也都忘掉
We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue 你我一起,就可筑起逃离蓝红二色的紫色庇荫
Sickeningly sweet like honey, don't need money 这(感情)甜得像蜜,金钱也可抛
All I need is you 除了你,我什么也不要
All I need is you 除了你,我什么也不要
1.For Her(Cover Troye Sivan)
2.Outro (BGM: What Remains of Our Chalk Road )