Car ride to Malibu
Strawberry ice-cream
One spoon for two
And trading jackets
Laughing how 'bout how small it looks on you
言笑打趣着 衣服穿在你身上 有些显小
Watching reruns of Glee
再想和声演唱 却已是那般恼人
Being annoying singing in harmony
我敢笃定 她定在
I bet she's bragging
To all her friends
Saying you're so unique
所以你何时 才会告诉她
这都是你和我 曾共经历过的
So when you gonna tell her
她天真认为 你们日常点滴 独一无二
That we did that too?
可一切不过都是 你我过往的新写照罢了
She thinks it's special
这片曾属于我们的地盘 起初是我先发现的
But it's all reused
你将我我开过的玩笑 在你们热恋时 全部告诉了她
That was our place, I found it first
当她伴你身旁 你是否觉得 似曾相识
I made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you
是否犹感 往昔历历在目
Do you get deja vu when she's with you?
是否有种 好似曾几相逢之感
Do you get deja vu, oh?
Do you get deja vu, huh?
What do you call her?
Almost say my name
'Cause let's be honest
我真不愿去想 自己竟是你喜欢的类型
They kinda do sound the same
我敢打赌 她肯定听闻过比利·乔尔
Another actress
因为你为她演奏过他的Uptown Girl
I hate to think that I was just your type
如今我笃定 你会告诉她
And I bet that she knows Billy Joel
'Cause you played her Uptown Girl
从你歌词的字里行间 都可看出
You're singing it together
所以你何时 才会告诉她
Now I bet you even tell her
这都是你和我 曾共经历过的
How you love her
她天真认为 你们日常点滴 独一无二
In between the chorus and the verse
可一切不过都是 你我过往的新写照罢了
So when you gonna tell her
就在你们热恋时 播放了她正在唱的歌
That we did that too?
当她伴你身旁 你是否觉得 似曾相识
She thinks it's special
是否犹感 往昔历历在目
But it's all reused
是否有种 好似曾几相逢之感
That was the show we talked about
Played you the song she's singing now when she's with you
别装作 我们从未这样的回忆
Do you get deja vu when she's with you?
你和她互换夹克衫穿 正如我们曾经那样
Do you get deja vu, oh?
(一切不过都是你我过往 全新的写照罢了)
Do you get deja vu?
弹奏着钢琴 而她却殊不知
Strawberry ice-cream in Malibu
身旁已是不同的女孩 却仍是熟悉的感觉
Don't act like we didn't do that shit too
(在我看来 你心已有 似曾相识之感)
You're trading jackets like we used to do
(在我看来 你心已有 似曾相识之感)
(Yeah, everything is all reused)
(在我看来 你心已有 似曾相识之感)
Play her piano but she doesn't know
That I was the one who taught you Billy Joel
A different girl now but there's nothing new
(I know you get deja vu)
(I know you get deja vu)
(I know you get deja vu)
1.deja vu