I could liken you to a werewolf the way you left me for dead
我可以把你比喻成一头狼人 留下无穷的心之灰烬
But I admit that I provided a full moon
但我得承认 我就是那一轮明月
And I could liken you to a shark the way you bit off my head
我还能把你比作一只毫不留情的鲨鱼 攫走了我的芳心
But then again I was waving around a bleeding open wound
但话说回来 我又在刚愈合的伤疤口徘徊挣扎着
But you are such a super guy ’til the second you get a whiff of me
而你却是一位光芒四射的男生 直到你嗅到了我的气息
We’re like a wishing well and a bolt of electricity
我们就像一井许愿池 那触不可及的电流一般
But we can still support each other, all we gotta do is avoid each other
然而 我们却依旧可以互相扶持 我们所要做的就是避而不见
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key
当一首乐曲结束在小调时 并无大碍
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key
当一段关系结束于情窦初开时 无伤大雅
The lava of a volcano shot up hot from under the sea
正如那火山滚烫的熔岩 从海底下喷涌迸出
One thing leads to another and you made an island of me
正如一环环连锁反应 你铸就了我这座孤岛
And I could liken you to a chemical the way you made me compound a compound
But I'm a chemical, too
Inevitable you and me would mix
可惜 我是一个惰性物质 难免 你和我注定无法长相厮守
And I could liken you to a lot of things but I always come around
我还可以把你比喻成很多事物 但我却总说服不了自己
‘cause in the end I’m a sensible girl
故事的最后 我是一个敏感多疑的女生
I know the fiction of the fix
一眼望穿 这故事的最终结局
But you are such a super guy ’til the second you get a whiff of me
而你却是一位夺目耀人的男生 直到你瞥见了我的身影
We are like a wishing well and a bolt of electricity
我们似那一井许愿池 那触不可及的电流
But we can still support each other, all we gotta do’s avoid each other
我们依旧能互相支持着对方 所做的仅仅是避而不见
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key
当一首乐曲结束在小调时 并无大碍
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key
当一首乐章过早地结束在小调时 并无大碍
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key
当一段关系结束于情窦初开时 无伤大雅
Nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key
当一段关系结束于懵懂爱恋之时 无伤大雅
1.Every Single Night
7.Anything We Want
8.Hot Knife
9.Left Alone