Honey Bee, I'll be with you,
我的小蜜蜂 我会和你在一起
if you want to, say the word and I'll sign right here.
只要你想 就说出来 我会遵守约定
亲爱的小蜜蜂 我请求你 和我作伴
Honey Bee, be with me and I'll please you,
我们去看森林 去看朝日 度过这一整年
see the forests, and the mornings, and this year.
我爱的人 请你说吧 说你也爱我
我们两人的眼泪 燃烧出火焰
Honey Please, please say it, say I want you,
我这颗心十分真诚 它值得你的芳心
all the fire that's burned between our tears.
我对你的爱 永无终结
This Heart is Pleased, its is worth it,
小蜜蜂 请和我相爱
you wont regret it,
I will love you endlessly through the years.
我可以为你走遍世界 为你歌唱
可爱的小蜜蜂 求你了 求你了 我只希望你愿意和我一起
Honey Bee, Be with me,
if you want to,
如果你想消失 就消失吧
I'll sow your world and I'll play you songs.
如果你非要离开 就离开吧
如果你必须逃走 那就逃走吧
Honey Please, Please be, just be with me,
and I'll see you after school.
你可以选择闭上眼睛 不去看到那些不愿看的东西
Fall away, Fall away if you want to,
但你无法关上心门 终止你对我的感觉
Fall away, Fall away if you have to,
你可以闭上眼睛 不再看任何事物 你不想看到关于我的一切
Fall away ,Fall away if you need to,
但你无法关上心门 忽视你对我的情感
All the doubts, that are within you,
小蜜蜂 如果你愿意 就和我在一起吧
they control you.
说你愿意 我就会永远陪在你身旁
小蜜蜂 很抱歉我伤害了你
You can close your eyes to the things that you don't want to see,
扇动你的翅膀 我们在天空中相依偎
But you can't close your heart to the way that you feel about me,
You can close your eyes to all the things you don't want to see about me,
扇动你的翅膀 让我们一同消失
But you can't close your heart to the way that you feel about me.
Honey Bee, be with me if you want to,
say the word and I'll be by your side.
Honey Bee, I'm so sorry that I hurt you,
flap your wings and we'll be in the air.
Honey Bee(2X)
Flap your wings and we'll disappear into the air.
1.Ah, Ah, Ah
3.I Know You'll Find A Way
4.Northern Crime
5.More Than You Know
6.From Arizona to Barcelona
7.I Can't Decide
8.Seconds Into Sound
9.Your Prisons Are Home
10.Cold Eyes Down