I don’t want to go home today
今日 我不太想要回归家中
You don’t really want to just go
你对于径直离去 也并不甘愿
The blue skies are telling me to go that way
蔚蓝天际似在为我指引 牵动我的脚步
I think I might just fly away
我想 我大抵会高飞而去
And leave all my things behind
与此同时 将一切都抛诸脑后
I think I might just leave the world
我想 我或许会脱离尘世
And go run into my mind
突破维度 直达我内心的潭穴
Little blue flower
娇嫩蓝花 映入眼帘
Sing a little louder
愈发高亢 纵声歌唱
Get me little higher
更添兴致 直冲云霄
So I can just dance with you
由此 我就能与你翩然共舞
Little blue flower
娇嫩蓝花 映入眼帘
Sing a little louder
愈发高亢 纵声歌唱
Get me little higher
更添兴致 直冲云霄
So I can just dance with you
由此 我便能与你翩然共舞
1.zombie pop
2.갈증 (THIRST)
3.just dream it
4.billboard uwu
5.eyes of cream
6.our last dream
7.eyes of dpr
8.eyes of rem
9.eyes of live
10.eyes of ian
11.coming to you seoul