How to make a monster? Gotta find a body
如何制造一个怪物 你得找一具尸体
First I'd cut your throat, then I'd tell you that I'm sorry
首先割开你的咽喉 接着说声对不起
Believing on the limit got me living in the lobby
对极限的追求 让我只能住在大厅里
Digging through the garbage for some chicken teriyaki
垃圾堆里翻找 今天吃里头的照烧鸡
Start with reattaching all the ligament to the severed
重新将每一条韧带 接上割开的组织
And easy with the heart, you're applying too much pressure
处理心脏轻一些 你给了过度的压力
Remember that flesh is tough but not as tough as leather
纵然血肉坚固 终究还是比不过革皮
So easy on the flesh when you're sewing it together
所以下手轻一些 当你最终将其缝起
放轻松 小心点
Easy, easy
掏出你的心 促成这番情景
Pull out your heart to make the
Being alone
放轻松 小心点
Easy, easy
掏出你的心 促成这番情景
Pull out your heart to make the
Being alone
放轻松 小心点
Easy, easy
这份震颤告诉我 它正脱离这具残迹
Anticipation's a bitch, huh
时间一分一秒流逝 不断揭露着现实
This vibration said I'm getting off the wrecked, uh
我的挚友是个漂泊浪子 也不足为奇
Had time reveals the truth with each tick, huh
抑或是行骗江湖 风餐露宿 是唯利是图 重度精神病
It's no wonder that my best friend's a drifter
也许是一名女人 知觉中藏有希腊的神性
A trickster, a gypsy, a profit, a cosmic psychotic
眼前伤痕令我触目惊心 因此我也无视了警卫
A woman with the intuition of a Greek godness
我是如此爱你 我会将其释放在伤痕之间
Ignore the police once that I'm haunted by the scars
So I love, I love you so, I must release it to the scars
放轻松 慢慢来
I'd rather take it...
Easy (Easy), easy
放轻松 慢慢来
You switch the screens over the
他们四处摸索打探 直到他们
Rest of the flows
Easy, oh easy
放轻松 慢慢来
They poke around until they
轻而易举 自然随心
Get what they want
Easy, oh, easy
本来以为会很糟糕 可现在如此行为也是
轻而易举 自然随心
Oh-oh-oh, easy, easy
Throw out the lunch you paid for
轻而易举 自然随心
Thought it would suck but now it's
Easy, oh, easy
Throw out the lunch you paid for
Oh-oh-oh, easy, easy
2.Burnt Coconut