Before we are artists, or singers, or musicians, we are humans
在成为艺术家 歌手 抑或音乐家之前 我们都只是普通人而已
Trying to find meaning and purpose in this world
Learning how to love the people in our lives better every day
We have different stories
Different hopes, dreams, experiences, and challenges
不同的希望 不同的梦想 不同的生活经历 不同的人生挑战
From becoming a new father to finding the person you want to spend your life with
从 如何成为一个父亲 到 遇见你想要共度余生的挚爱
From fighting for your marriage to thrive to moving to a new city and finding your way
从 为你的婚姻幸福努力 到 在陌生的城市中发掘自己的出路
These are the experiences that are making us who we are
Each one, another brush stoke in this mosaic we call life
我们每一个人 都在尽力用画笔填补生活中的模糊空白
This is our story
This is Painted Skies
1.Painted Skies
2.Who I'm Meant to Be
3.Nobody's Right
4.Working on It
5.Automatic Love
6.You Will Always Be My Son
7.Says Who
8.Better Together
9.Good Fight
10.Falling Awake
11.Keep You Close