I still miss you and it makes me feel blue
And I’m lost without those colours of you
I can’t think straight, I just wanna be
Wherever you are when you’re not here with me
Blend with my blue, those colours of you
Please help me see it through, oh…
This journey I must take alone
So just blend your colours with my blue
I lay down and cry, and the rivers are dry
Oh, to unveil my heart when you kiss me goodbye
And when you set sail, fair winds all the way
So farewell, that’s all I can say
Mmm, blend with my blue, the colours of you
Oh, please help me see it through, oh…
This journey I must take alone
Oh, so just blend your colours with my blue
And I know I’ll find my love tonight
I can feel you reachin’ out
I got this feeling deep inside
It’s in my head, it’s in my heart
I know your love tonight
And I know you’ll be by my side
I know you’ll help me to see it through
Oh, blend your colours with my blue
1.Du Bist (奥地利)
2.It Hurts (瑞典)
3.Jugarem A Estimar-Nos (安道尔)
4.Lane moje (Serbia and Montenegro)
5.Heaven (冰岛)
6.Stronger Every Minute (塞浦路斯)
7.The Image Of You (阿尔巴尼亚)
8.In The Disco (波斯尼亚 and 黑塞哥维那)
9.Para Llenarme De Ti (西班牙)
10.Believe Me (俄国)
11.À Chaque Pas (法国)
12.Hold On To Our Love (英国)
13.I Admit (罗马尼亚)
14.Without You (荷兰)
15.1 Life (比利时)
16.Tii (爱沙尼亚)
17.Shame On You (丹麦)
18.Foi Magia (葡萄牙)
19.To Believe (以色列)
20.What Happened To Your (立陶宛)
21.Celebrate! (瑞士)
22.My Galileo (Belarus)
23.Notre Planete (摩纳哥)
24.You Are The Only One (克罗地亚)
25.Takes 2 To Tango (芬兰)
26.Dziesma Par Laimi (拉脱维亚)
27.On Again...Off Again (马耳他)
28.Life (马其顿)
29.High (挪威)
30.Love Song (波兰)
31.Stay Forever (斯洛文尼亚)
32.Wild Dance (乌克兰)
33.Shake It (希腊)
34.If My World Stopped Turning (爱尔兰)
35.Can"t Wait Until Tonight (德国)
36.For Real (土耳其)