There are things that I sing that I'd never have the confidence to say
胆怯千言 化歌词唱道
There are things I believe that I only figure out when I sit down to play
唯有我悉心体会 方得醒悟
The truth don't scare me in a melody, immortalizing my sincerity
骨感事实 不足生畏 心意却更是外显
There are things that I sing that I'd never have the confidence to say
胆怯千言 化歌词唱道
Like that song about my parents that I'll never show 'em
对父母的情感 不愿袒露
And the ones about my exes that they don't deserve
曲关前任 也不值一提
When it comes to you, I'm still trying to find the words
而涉及到你 千言万语 诉不尽情愫
Love too big for a love song
区区情歌 不足言表 我对你的爱
If I tried to sum it up I know I'd get it wrong
试图精炼言语 却畏惧出错
Sometimes if it don't sound right
偶尔听起来 也稍微不妥
I apologize, I just said it cause it rhymed
很抱歉 这只因语句押韵
Four chords, three minutes, you never fit in it
四段和弦 三分钟 你却无法恰如其中
So I just take you line by line
Oh, I'll be writing about you for the rest of my life
余生 我将你谱写进歌中
(Line by line by line by line)
Line by line
逐词逐句 全然为你
There are things that I sing that I'll never have the confidence to say
胆怯千言 化歌词唱道
Like I'm still not convinced that I won't be too much for you someday
就如我仍心悸 有天 自己将负赘于你
Yeah we both know the way it works
结果如何 我们都了然于心
Hear my fears all on the radio
广播传出的声响 令我畏惧
There are things that I sing that I'll never have the confidence to say
胆怯千言 化歌词唱道
Love too big for a love song
区区情歌 不足言表 我对你的爱
If I tried to sum it up I know I'd get it wrong
试图精炼言语 却畏惧出错
Sometimes if it don't sound right
偶尔听起来 也稍微不妥
I apologize, I just said it cause it rhymed
很抱歉 这只因语句押韵
Four chords, three minutes, you never fit in it
四段和弦 三分钟 你却无法恰如其中
So I just take you line by line
Oh, I'll be writing about you for the rest of my life
余生 我将你谱写进歌中
(Line by line by line by line)
Line by line
逐词逐句 全然为你
I'll be writing about you for the rest of my life
余生 我将你谱写进歌中
(Line by line by line by line)
Line by line
逐词逐句 全然为你
I'll be writing about you for the rest of my life
余生 我将你谱写进歌中
I know it's complicated having all your shit on display
袒露无遗 于你而言 属实复杂
I appreciate the way you make it work
我却愿意将你包容 接纳
When it comes to you I'm still trying to find the words
而涉及到你 千言万语 诉不尽情愫
Love too big for a love song
区区情歌 不足言表 我对你的爱
If I tried to sum it up I know I'd get it wrong
试图精炼言语 却畏惧出错
Sometimes if it don't sound right
偶尔听起来 也稍微不妥
I apologize, I just said it cause it rhymed
很抱歉 这只因语句押韵
Four chords, three minutes, you never fit in it
四段和弦 三分钟 你却无法恰如其中
So I just take you line by line
Oh, I'll be writing about you for the rest of my life
余生 我将你谱写进歌中
(Line by line by line by line)
Line by line
逐词逐句 全然为你
I'll be writing about you for the rest of my life
余生 我将你谱写进歌中
(Line by line by line by line)
Line by line
逐词逐句 全然为你
I'll be writing about you for the rest of my life
余生 我将你谱写进歌中
1.Line By Line