Searching through the car for easy money
Rest my head on the seat and think of you
It's always, once a year, I get in gear to pull my life together
一年里总有一次 我下定决心让生活回到正轨
It's always a team effort, baby steps, baby steps
但这需要很多人的努力 我只能一小步一小步来
You've got no idea where I am, and I know it hurts
你从不知道我身在何处 这很伤人
Hmm, hmm
外面空气潮湿 但我却有想振作的冲动
It's so humid outside and it's makin' me work
My friends are fixing up my hair and pulling down my skirt
我知道一切都已结束 而我也到过人生的谷底
I know it's, over now I feel about as low as I can go
我整装待发 迫不及待想要出门
I'm dressed and ready, let's go out
It's so warm in this car
你从不知道我身在何处 这很伤人
You've go no idea where I am, and I know it hurts
你有了很好的生活和新的爱人 这一切都很完美
You've got a nice life and love, I don't know what's worse
Hmm, hmm
后面几天 我则需要我所有的朋友的陪伴
我会将所有的灯亮着 我会求你把那首歌关掉
And I'm gonna need all my friends around me the next few days
I'm gonna need all the lights left on, I'm gonna ask you to please turn off that song
I'm gonna walk away
一年里总有一次 我下定决心让生活回到正轨
But I'll miss you
但这需要很多人的努力 我只能一小步一小步来
你从不知道我身在何处 这很伤人
Always, once a year, I get in gear to pull my life together
我知道一切都已结束 而我也到过人生的谷底
It's always a team effort, baby steps, baby steps
我整装待发 迫不及待想要出门
You've got no idea where I am, and I know it hurts
你从不知道我身在何处 这很伤人
I know it's, over now I feel about as low as I can go
你和她有了美好的生活 我只能欣然接受
I'm dressed and ready, let's go out
It's so warm in this car
我会朝着你家的方向 一小步一小步走向你
You've got no idea where I am, and I know it hurts
You've got a nice life with her, I don't know what's worse
Hmm, hmm
I'm gonna take baby steps all the way back to your door
'Cause I'm just dying to know who the fu*k you left me for
1.Amy Shark
2.I'll Be Yours
3.You'll Never Meet Anyone Like Me Again
4.All the Lies About Me
5.Worst Day of My Life
6.The Wolves
7.Baby Steps
8.Love Songs Ain't for Us
9.That Girl
10.Miss You
12.Everybody Rise
13.Lonely Still