I know the way you take your coffee in the morning
我懂得你清晨 啜饮咖啡的方式
And you know my place like the back of your hand
你对我的处境 了如指掌般明晰
I know you think romantic comedies are boring
我知道 你总觉得浪漫喜剧无聊
But I make you watch them anyway just 'cause I can
但只因我爱看 你还是会依我的心
And I'll wake up excited to see you
我醒来满怀激动 只因能够见到你
And I'll meet you at our favorite spot down the street
我们会在街边 最喜欢的地方会面
You're telling me that I should flirt with the waiter
As you talk about your date last night
Oh, how can I survive
噢 我该如何挺过这段时间
When I can't breathe and you can't see that you're
当我感到窒息 你对我视而不见
Killing me slowly with your second hand love
用你那只剩残余的爱 让我痛不欲生
And the way he makes you light up, yeah you're
她让你兴奋起来的样子 你简直在
Killing me slowly with your second hand love
用你那只剩残余的爱 让我如履薄冰
Yeah, you're killing me slowly with your second hand love
是啊 用你那施舍过的爱 让我渐渐消亡
You know the way I laugh when something isn't funny
你知道即便没有好笑的事 我也会开怀大笑
And you know the way I smile when I'm about to cry
你也能一眼看破 我快要哭泣时伪装出的笑容
So how could you be so clueless not to know how I feel?
可你怎么能如此无知 不明我心中所想?
When you say that I'm just one of the guys
当你对我说 你只是普通人中的一员
And I think that I might die
And I'll wake up excited to see you
我醒来满怀激动 只因能够见到你
And I'll meet you at our favorite spot down the street
我们会在街边 最喜欢的地方会面
You're telling me that I should flirt with the waiter
As you talk about your date last night
Oh, how can I survive
噢 我该如何挺过这段时间
When I can't breathe and you can't see that you're
当我感到窒息 你对我视而不见
Killing me slowly with your second hand love
用你那只剩残余的爱 让我痛不欲生
And the way she makes you light up, yeah, you're
她让你兴奋起来的样子 你简直在
Killing me slowly with your second hand love
用你那只剩残余的爱 让我如履薄冰
Yeah, you're killing me slowly with your second hand love
是啊 用你那施舍过的爱 让我渐渐消亡
Nobody gets you like I do
I let you go, you pull me back
我任你离去 你却将我拉回至你身边
Am I the only one waiting for
This heart to die, this heart to die
No matter where I go you're always in the air
无论我去向何方 你总会在空中遨游
When I can't breathe and you can't see that you're
当我感到窒息 你对我视而不见
Killing me slowly with your second hand love
用你那只剩残余的爱 让我痛不欲生
And the way she makes you light up, boy you're
她让你兴奋起来的样子 你简直在
Killing me slowly with your second hand love
用你那只剩残余的爱 让我如履薄冰
Yeah, you're killing me slowly with your second hand love
是啊 用你那施舍过的爱 让我渐渐消亡
1.Second Hand Love (feat. Ruben)