Welcome to the *********** Devil's place
B*****s die when I hear'em say we sound the same
我听起来和你相近? 去死吧
Bodies pile all the way to the Devil's gates
尸体垒成堆 延续不断直到我们的门前
Think we copy ****** artist but ********** we ain't the same
模仿其他人 去你的吧 我们本质上不同
Welcome to the *********** Devil's place
B*****s die when I hear'em say we sound the same
我听起来和你相近? 去死吧
Bodies pile all the way to the Devil's gates
尸体垒成堆 延续不断直到我们的门前
Think we copy ****** artist but ********** we ain't the same
模仿其他人 去你的吧 我们本质上不同
1000 ****** corpses rottin in my ****** den
千具天杀的尸体 在我的窝点里逐渐腐烂
Grab the lighter fluid, set a blaze for all the b*****s I offend
给我递过来打火机油 点燃那些说被我冒犯到的垃圾
Black masked murderers, I be the one to kill you first
黑面具杀人狂群 拿你给我试试手
UAV is my religion, praise the hounds and burn your church
UNΛVERΛGE GΛNG就是我的信仰 赞美狩猎 然后烧掉你的教廷
Confidin in the devil cause UNAVERAGE is the serpent's vessel
因为UNΛVERΛGE GΛNG是毒蛇的容器 我们就倾信魔鬼
See them red eyes open now you see the face of evil
睁开血红色的眼眸 看到恶魔本尊了吧
Shoutout to the b*****s that are blinded from the truthw
Middle fingers goin up, we got 2 words **** you!
竖起中指 送你两个大字
Nobody want a problem ***** I'll put you in a casket
没人想要麻烦缠身 你的下场只有棺材
Then i'm laughing at you b*****s for the handouts you be asking
出去闲逛还要问她 哈哈哈
I don't mind too very often for helpin some people out
You a stupid ****** ***** begging asking for some clout
Shut yo mouth lil *****, i'll pull up with a stick
闭上你的小破嘴 再说我会拿枪给你堵上
Yo momma ****** calling screaming asking who you with?
你的妈妈嘶喊着 “你跟谁打交道呢?”
You tell her "it's the Gang", she say "you acting strange"
你跟她说 “是UNΛVERΛGE GΛNG“ 她说:“你最近有点怪'
Cause Vague got the AK and it's pointed at yo brain *****
含糊其辞 口齿不清 多半是因为红点瞄准了你的头颅吧
Welcome to the *********** Devil's place
B*****s die when I hear'em say we sound the same
我听起来和你相近? 去死吧
Bodies pile all the way to the Devil's gates
尸体垒成堆 延续不断直到我们的门前
Think we copy ****** artist but ********** we ain't the same
模仿其他人 去你的吧 我们本质上不同
Welcome to the *********** Devil's place
B*****s die when I hear'em say we sound the same
我听起来和你相近? 去死吧
Bodies pile all the way to the Devil's gates
尸体垒成堆 延续不断直到我们的门前
Think we copy ****** artist but ********** we ain't the same
模仿其他人 去你的吧 我们本质上不同
Bloody fangs, we sick the hounds on'em
血红的尖牙 厌烦了去猎杀他们
It's the UAV GANG, we don't bang we just kill on'em
这就是UNΛVERΛGE GΛNG 我们可不瞎唬 直接肢解!
Yeah, Aye, we just kill on'em
是的 没错 直接肢解!
Put'em in the coffin, let the bullets ****** rain on'em
放进棺材! 枪林弹雨招待 不留全尸
Bloody fangs, we sick the hounds on'em
血红的尖牙 厌烦了去猎杀他们
It's the UAV GANG, we don't bang we just kill on'em
这就是UNΛVERΛGE GΛNG 我们可不瞎唬 直接肢解!
Yeah, Aye, we just kill on'em
是的 没错 直接肢解!
Put'em in the coffin, let the bullets ****** rain on'em
放进棺材! 枪林弹雨招待 不留全尸