Lose My Mind (Dyslm Remix)

I see you walking through the rain
你静静站着 让雨抚平你的伤痕
And I see the water covering your teardrops on your face
And I know that I broke all your rules
我恨自己的懦弱 可我们只能相望 却不能靠近
Oh, now you're looking at me, and I'm looking at you like a fool
心里被你填满 却不能告诉你
But, you don't know what it feels like to fall in love with you
No, you don't know what it's like when you can't go back
在爱里 我永远是个失败者
'Cause I only lose my mind when I ain't got you
没了你 我变得越来越槽糕
And how can I win when I'm always bound to lose
我无法阻止你的逃离 因为你的心已经不属于我了
Oh, when I ain't got you
但亲爱的 此刻请让我为你撑一次伞吧 我不忍心看你受冻
No-no, I ain't got you
希望此刻成为永恒 我宁愿暴风雨永远不离去
就像你此刻正看着我 似乎想从我眼里得到什么
So come on inside, you'll catch a cold
我想你看到了 但你还是决然说再也不见
Oh, darling the storm will pass when you grow old
你说 忘了我吧
As you stand next to me with a look in your eyes
And you say goodbye, and you say goodbye
心慢慢破裂 仿佛我没拥有过它
And you say goodbye
在爱里 我永远是个失败者
But, you don't know what it's like to lose you
我尝试过 宝贝 但你松开了我的手 那一瞬间心就冷了
'Cause I only lose my mind when I ain't got you
And how can I win when I'm always bound to lose?
可如果离开我你会快乐 就远离我吧
(When I'm always bound to lose)
'Cause I tried to hold on tight to make you mine, but lost each time
And I only lose my mind when I ain't got you
But I think it's time to let you go
To let your heart find a home
I need to let you go
1.Lose My Mind (Dyslm Remix)