All your kind they're coming clean
你的同类 个个都开始金盆洗手
They shut their eyes, their mess, their scenes
他们阖上眼睛 结束闹剧 舞台落幕
All your kind, their spool and lance
你的同类 他们与普通物件打交道
They crush their kiss, they harmonize
他们挤压着嘴唇亲吻 他们和谐相处
All your kind
They, all your kind they
他们 所有人都是这样
All your kind they come and clean
你的同类 再遇他们时已焕然一新
They sleep through keys they kill their needs it's
他们靠扼杀纯粹的渴望 才勉强睡个安稳觉
1.Anthems For A Seventeen Year-Old Girl
2.KC Accidental
3.Lover's Spit
4.Shampoo Suicide
5.Looks Just Like The Sun
6.Capture The Flag
7.Pitter Patter Goes My Heart
8.Stars and Sons
9.Cause = Time
10.Almost Crimes (Radio Kills Remix)
11.I'm Still Your Fag
12.Pacific Theme
13.Late Nineties Bedroom Rock For The Missionaries