Twenty Eight

Twenty eight tell me are you single yet
My heart's as big as texas
It'd take more than just a lingual
Threat to get this past to let live
At best he'll need a sedative
And strap him to a steady bed
At worst it's he's already dead
The first time folks have
Heard this a song of these
The bone dry jokes from the
Grown kids' spokes man's notebooks
Li'l pone go slow and hollow like an empty rowboat looks
Left to float alone it follows
Where any air goes it's took
1.Good Friday
2.The Vowels Pt. 2
3.These Few Presidents
4.Song of the Sad Assassin
5.The Hollows
7.The Fall of Mr. Fifths
8.Fatalist Palmistry
9.Brook & Waxing
10.A Sky for Shoeing Horses Under
11.Twenty Eight
12.Simeon's Dilemma
14.By Torpedo or Crohn's