Glass on Water

That pulls me, that pulls me down, that pulls me down
You were the only one that I trust
How could you ever hurt me so much
不要再装聋作哑 沉默不语
Never thought that you'd draw that line just to cut me out
每次我们争吵 你总是陈词滥调
So tell me can you hear me now
每次我们分别 也终会重归于好
Cause every time we fight, you tell me that's that
每当我想起你 我都如同溺水般感到窒息
And every time we leave, we're coming right back
而你总是袖手旁观 不愿救我于危难之中
I feel like I'm drowning every time I think of you
我曾如囚禁于水底牢笼 陷入绝境险地
So you can watch me sink like you always do
我试着想要忘记你 但往事如浪将我拍倒
I was trapped underwater with nowhere to go
我的双手在颤动 我已耗光了所有耐心
Cause you gave me your hand just to hold me below
And I try to forget you, the wave that pulls me down
恍惚间双眼朦胧 我醒了过来
My hands are shaking, I'm losing patience
I grab my keys and I hit the pavement
我发动车 想要逃避这一切
Headlights flash then I'm waking up
I really don't remember much
屏住呼吸 仿佛我正缓缓坠入水底
But I'll never forget just the way that sounds
我曾如囚禁于水底牢笼 陷入绝境险地
I turned the wheel and I left that ground
Glass on water, I think of you
我试着去忘记你 但往事如潮将我裹挟
Hold my breath as I'm sinking down
是的 我如囚困于水底 深深的水底
如果你再伸出手 我也不会选择握住它
I was trapped underwater with nowhere to go
Cause you gave me your hand just to hold me below
让我跌倒 让我堕入深渊
And I try to forget you, the wave that pulls me down
我曾如囚禁于水底牢笼 陷入绝境险地
Yeah I'm trapped underwater, I'm so far below
If you give me your hand then I'll just let it go
我想要试着忘记你呀 你却如同波涛将我席卷
Cause I want to let you be the wave that pulls me down
是的 我如囚困于水底 无路可逃
(That pulls me, that pulls me down, that pulls me down)
如果你再伸出手 我也会选择弃之不理
I was trapped underwater with nowhere to go
让我沉沦 让我坠入深渊
Cause you gave me your hand just to hold me below
And I try to forget you, the wave that pulls me down
我发动车 想要逃离这一切
Yeah I'm trapped underwater, I'm so far below
If you give me your hand then I'll just let it go
屏住呼吸 仿佛我正缓缓沉入水底
Cause I want to let you be the wave that pulls me down
(That pulls me, that pulls me down, that pulls me down)
I'll never forget just the way that sounds
I turned the wheel then I left that ground
Glass on water, I think of you
Hold my breath as I'm sinking down
1.Nothing Worth Saving
2.Invincible Summer
3.Glass on Water
4.Crawl Your Way Out
5.Inside Out
7.Things Could be Different
8.Ghost in the Walls
9.Summoner's Rift
10.Kill Everything