Chasing Dreams (LERO & Clasio Remix)

We were young and living free
我们年少轻狂 无拘无束
and after losing our thoughts and chasing dreams.
然后不顾一切 追逐梦想
You always said we'd have it all
and no one would find the path that we were on.
This is the one and only chapter our names will end up on.
我们的故事 正在书写结局
This is where we will find the answers the ones we've waited on.
我们一直等待的答案 就在眼前
The weeks went by and off our backs.
时光如白驹过隙 沧海桑田
I can't say what came out first, what came out last.
分不清过去 看不到未来
All that I know is where I stand
and this world's too big and bold to hide your plans.
这世界无边无际 望不穿未来的路
This is the one and only chapter our names will end up on.
我们的故事 正在书写结局
This is where we will find the answers the ones we've waited on.
我们一直等待的答案 就在眼前
Wait for the one,the one who gets you, they said.
等待一个未来 守候远方的他
A life lived alone is not a life lived at all.
独自一人的生活 如行尸走肉
Wait for the day,the day that makes you, they said.
等待这一天的到来 让人生更完整
Well I won't come around I'm gonna live my life instead.
我不会踌躇不决 现在就过我想要的生活
Cause these are the only moments we're gonna get.
This is the one and only chapter our names will end up on.
我们的故事 正在书写结局
This is where we will find the answers the ones we've waited on.
我们一直等待的答案 就在眼前
1.Chasing Dreams (LERO & Clasio Remix)