Have you ever wondered 你可曾怀疑过
if there is somebody else locked inside of you 心里藏着一头困兽
and maybe, just maybe 也许它渴望着自由
he is trying to break free for good 寻找出口已经很久
Have you ever felt as 你可曾感到
if the whole world is against you 整个世界都与你为敌
Don't worry 别担心
It's the start of your awakening 这或许正是你的觉醒
What's been keeping you 什么阻止着你
from being who you really are 成为最想成为的自己
Let's make it right 保持清醒
Let's sort things out this time 勿忘初心
Remember what they preached when you were young? 小时候他们教你的话还记得吗?
Now you can look them in the eyes and prove them wrong 是时候看着他们的双眼,证明他们的荒谬
Take a ride with me 跟我踏上这班车
to hell with whatever they have to say 随便他们怎么说
Up over the wall you'll see 越过那堵墙你会看到
Take a dive with me 和我一起跨过
Into the waters beyond their reach 这片汪洋
Across the sea, stay with me 去他们无法到达的地方
What would you choose to believe in? 自由意志与世俗枷锁
Is it your free will or the system 你会做出怎样的选择
I put my faith in you 我相信你
Don't let me down like the others do 别像其他人一样令我失望
I put my faith in you 我相信你
Together, we'll pull it through 和我一道,打破它
We will make it through 会成功的
Come just a little closer 再靠近一些
Look what they've done to you 仔细看 他们都对你做了什么
All your life 只活一次
You've been living in this hell-hole 怎么甘心做井底之蛙
But nothing will look the same 和我一起
If you should follow 追寻自我
rise above from the ignorant flock 跳过麻木的人群
Stand just a little taller you'll see these clowns 在高处才能清晰看见
The all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world has you surrounded all along 平凡的众生一直围绕着你
Have you expected 你可曾发现
so many other people just like you would be 有人和你一样
there by your side, fighting against the tide 与你并肩,乘风破浪
Take a ride with me 跟我踏上这班车
to hell with whatever they have to say 随便他们怎么说
Up over the wall you'll see 越过那堵墙你会看到
Take a dive with me 和我一起跨过
Into the waters beyond their reach 这片汪洋
Across the sea, stay with me 去他们无法到达的地方
You'll never be 你不再会
Too blind to see 被蒙上眼
You'll take the lead
Set mind free 解放思想
The pain is real 这可能很疼
But wounds will heal 但伤痛终将痊愈
You'll feel what I feel 你将感我所感
Stand by me 站在我的身旁
1.With Me