Trap 3 Little Pigs

Once a pig built up a house
从前 有只小猪建了间房子
The house was of straw that he bought from the town
One day a wolf came and saw the little pig
一天 一只狼看见了小猪
He came to the pig's door and then the wolf said
他来到小猪门前 然后说
Little pig little pig let me in
小猪 小猪 让我进去
Not by the hairs of my chinny chin chin
不 你别想碰我一根汗毛
So I huffed and I puffed and I blew that thing down
我只好用力吹 吹倒了整座房
Next thing I knew he was running around
So I chased that pig down
Wanted some bacon so I had to go to his big brother's house
想把他做成培根 追到了他哥哥家
Said I blew that thing down
Little Red Riding Hood didn't ride home so I'm after you now
小红帽还没回家 所以我只好先吃你了
I'm a real alpha wolf this ain't Little Bo Peep
我是领头狼 可不是什么牧羊女
Don't try and cry wolf I ain't here for no sheep
别哭别喊别求我 我可不是来睡觉的
No McDonald's money so yall are my treat
没钱买麦当劳 只好吃掉你们了
And if we do the race all I need are some cleats
和你们赛跑 我只需要一双钉鞋
Run to the market pig you can run home
跑到商场可没用 快点跑回家吧
Go get your roast beef but Ill catch you for sure
拿好你的烤牛肉 我肯定会抓住你们的
You look like a snack and I don't mean you're cute
你长得就像小零食 我可不是在说你可爱嗷
But I bet you'll look good with some veggies and fruit
加点蔬菜和水果 你会看起来更美味
Little pig you're sweating just take a little break
小猪你都出汗啦 快点停下歇歇吧
Just make this thing easy and hop on my plate
I'm trying to get home to play Fortnite today
And I can't come back late mama wolf doesn't play
Pig told the wolf oh I'm leaving
小猪说 我要走了
Mama ain't make me this thick to be eaten
You're big and bad 'til my big bro gets even
你个大坏蛋 等我到了哥哥家
And no I won't slow wolf I trained for track season
大灰狼 我可不会停下的 我是受过专业训练的
Don't run up that hill pig you're not Jack and Jill
有种那就别上山 你们又不是Jack和Jill
Don't climb up that wall have a great fall for real
I need food to serve while I go on this date
So don't make me look bad I can't make wolfy wait
所以别让我难堪 我可不能让狼小姐久等
Lucky for pig I had worn the wrong kicks
幸运的小猪 我今天穿错鞋了
So he got to his brother's house made out of sticks
Wolf came up after and saw the little pigs
He came to the pigs' door and then the wolf said
他来到门前 然后说
Little pig little pig let me in
小猪 小猪 让我进去
Not by the hairs of our chinny chin chin
不 你别想碰我一根汗毛
So I huffed and I puffed and I blew that thing down
我只好用力吹 吹倒了整座房
Next thing I knew he was running around
So I chased that pig down
Wanted some bacon so I had to go to his big brother's house
想吃培根 只好追到他们大哥哥家
Said I blew that thing down
Little Red Riding Hood didn't ride home so I'm after you now
小红帽还没回家 所以我只好先吃你了
I'm a real alpha wolf this ain't Winnie the Pooh
我是阿尔法狼 可不是什么小波比
Don't try and cry wolf I'm not lying to you
别哭别喊别求我 我可不是来睡觉的
My McDonald's money is low so you'll do
没钱买麦当劳 只好吃掉你们了
And I've got the right shoes so it's over for you
等我穿了合适的鞋 那你们就完蛋了
Come here little pigs I need my two-course meal
来吧小猪 我可以拿你们做两道菜
This is a fairy tail but I'm for real
虽然这是童话故事 但我可是认真的
I had Mary's little lamb but a wolf's hungry still
我吃掉了玛丽的小羊羔 但是依然很饿
I need food that will fill
I need some bacon
I need some fries
I need some pork with some pie on the side
I need some sausage with beans and some rice
I need that candlelit dinner tonight
Pig told the wolf oh you're tripping for real
小猪说 你做梦吧
I'm way too cute for a snack I'm a meal
We came from the mud we've had worse wolves
we've beat
Yes we're pigs but you don't want this beef
是 虽然我是猪但你最好别惹我
You know what little pig I'm tired I'm not here to play
和你们玩累了 我现在要来真的了
lf I don't bring dinner I won't have a bae
You don't even follow me back on the gram
So don't think you can beat me I'm about to go ham
别以为你们能打败我 我可要动真格的了
Lucky for them I had tripped on a stick
幸运的小猪 我被树枝绊倒了
So they made it to their brother's house made of brick
Wolf came up after and saw the little pigs
He came to the pigs' door and then the wolf said
他来到小猪门前 然后说
Little pig little pig let me in
小猪 小猪 让我进去
Not by the hairs of our chinny chin chin
不 你别想碰我一根汗毛
So I huffed and I puffed trying to blow that thing down
我用力吹啊吹 想把房子给吹倒
But that house was of brick and it stayed in the ground
但房子是砖做的 纹丝不动
So I blew even harder a real wolf won't quit
于是我更加用力吹 真狼人永不放弃
No I'm not chief but I swear this is it
虽然我不是狼领袖 但是我一定要成功
And I would have had that pig's house blown into bits
But my asthma was acting up I had to sit
但这时我哮喘犯了 只好坐下来
Lucky for me a wolf got his degree
还算幸运 我是只有学历的狼
So I made up a plan to get all the piggies
They'll think Im beat and Ill fake a retreat
他们以为能打败我 那么我就假意撤退
Then I'll jump on the roof and right down the chimney
然后跳进屋顶 爬进烟囱
One pig said he stopped blowing his hot breath
一只小猪说 他没在吹气了
They heard footsteps and knew what was next
小猪们听到了脚步声 知道接下来是什么了
So they played their mixtape got the fireplace lit
于是他们打开音乐 点燃火炉
Then they waited for Wolf to come in
Pigs I'm coming down the chimney about to fatten up like Santa Claus
小猪们 我从烟囱那儿下来了嗷 我就是你们的圣诞老人
Ahh okay the chimney's feeling kind of hot
好吧 这烟囱有点烫
All of you are lucky I'm going vegan
算你们走运 我改吃素了
Just wait 'til me and my pack come back again
给我等着吧 我一定会回来的
The end
1.Trap 3 Little Pigs