Producer:Tommy Butler
Writer:Tommy Butler
Cold chills, prison cells
骇人寒意 冰冷监牢
Locked in, bars of steel
紧锁其中 彻骨桎梏
Leave my woman tonight
慌忙离别 我的挚爱
Just ain't feeling right
总觉一切 悖逆不轨
Cold chills, prison cells (Oh my Lord, praise him be)
骇人寒意 冰冷监牢(我主至高 赞美我主)
Locked in, bars of steel (Set your poor people free)
紧锁其中 彻骨桎梏(请解放被俘者)
Leave my woman tonight (Be merciful to our abusers)
Just ain't feeling right (They don't know what they do)
他们麻木 他们无意
Thinking you lost your senses
Cold chills, prison cells (Oh my Lord, praise him be)
骇人寒意 冰冷监牢(我主至高 赞美我主)
What can you do when they...?
当暴力肆虐 身为奴隶你又能做什么呢?
Locked in, bars of steel (Set your poor people free)
紧锁其中 彻骨桎梏(请赐我们自由)
Ooh, you better collect your pieces
Leave my woman tonight (Be merciful to our abusers)
慌忙离别 我的挚爱(请予他们慈悲)
Freedom, it waits out here
自由 将在外边等待着同胞
Just ain't feeling right (They don't know what they do)
人性本恶 迷途无知
You don't have to go to prison
Cold chills, prison cells (Oh my Lord, praise him be)
骇人寒意 冰冷监牢(我主至高 赞美我主)
What will it accomplish you?
Locked in, bars of steel (Set your poor people free)
紧锁其中 彻骨桎梏(请解放被俘者)
Ku Klux Klan, they're laughing
恶人聚首成邦 爆发病态狂笑
Leave my woman tonight (Be merciful to our abusers)
慌忙离别 我的挚爱(请宽恕施暴者)
Damning the thought of you
Just ain't feeling right (They don't know what they do)
他们麻木 他们无意
Condemning you to your suffering
Cold chills, prison cells (Oh my Lord, praise him be)
骇人寒意 冰冷监牢(我主至高 赞美我主)
Is that what you really want?
Locked in, bars of steel (Set your poor people free)
紧锁其中 彻骨桎梏(请赐我们自由)
Prison inside a prison
Leave my woman tonight (Be merciful to our abusers)
慌忙离别 我的挚爱(请予他们慈悲)
Marking your time on walls
Just ain't feeling right (They don't know what they do)
人性本恶 迷途无知
Think you better change your motto
我想 你最好改掉你原本的座右铭
Cold chills, prison cells (Oh my Lord, praise him be)
寒苦难耐 阴冷监牢 (我主至高 赞美我主)
Wiping away the mourn
Locked in, bars of steel (Set your poor people free)
镣铐铁锁 困于其中 (请让可怜的同胞得到解放)
There in the bars, let's follow
穿越牢门 让我们与同胞团聚
Leave my woman tonight (Be merciful to our abusers)
恶魔夜袭 离别妻儿 (请让残暴的人们得到宽容)
Tell me your days aren't done
请让我相信 你的人生未到尽头
Just ain't feeling right (They don't know what they do)
只觉得这一切 都是错误 (他们不知道自己都做了些什么)
"Vengeance is mine," said the Lord
"我必报仇" 耶和华如是说
1.Prison Song
2.(Opening) Garbage Including I've Been up to the Mountain Top
4.Overture A - Working in the Name of the King / Overture B - Nature's Child
5.Freedom, Liberation
6.Jesus Christ
7.Lie, Lie, Lie
8.Court Room
9.Medley: We'll Stand BY You / I Am Worried
10.Bigot Entrance
11.Pick Up Your Weapon / Brother Theme
12.Hallelujah Day
13.Medley: Klansmen / Sensitive Situation / We Will Move
14.I Can Feel Him
16.Children of Love
17.I Have a Dream
18.I Hate Colored People
19.When Will It End
21.Selma (March):, Pt. I / Pt. II / Pt. III
22.Listen to Me Jesus
23.Overture - Brother Theme
24.Medly Cont.: Are You Ready
25.Martin, Martin
26.Flashbacks Nigger Woman
27.Precious Memories
28.The Time Is Now
29.Medley: Pulling Together / We Don't Stand a Chance
30.Wash Your Sins Away
31.Brother Theme
32.You'r'e My Love