the last time i saw you

time flies in meaningful lives, drink the morning dew
饮一滴晨露 闲适的时光转瞬即逝
the coast and a communist asshole i hope you refuse
i'm all mirrors, my coffee is bitter too
我好似镜子 咖啡还是苦涩的味道
remember your senses, your gravity, the scale of the moon
既要对事物的作出判断和认清局势的严重性 也要记住月亮还是那么大
half of the monday's gone to blinking,
眨眼之间 星期一的半晌已不见
a mouth on the phone is hinting
and breathing facts, an awful attack
悄悄地传达着战况 发生了一场严重的袭击
the tv is singing flats, the personals have no regrets
电视里还是一样放着乏味的歌曲 人们丝毫没有感到伤感
the last time i saw you, i was home
上一次见到你 是在家里
home for a moment, it's pouring, i wait for you
外面下起了大雨 我已在家里等候你多时
to co-write our novel or at least, the ******* whose
若不能一起续写我们的小说 至少
heart breaks, a moment to wake up and paint eyes blue
是时候把我们这位伤心的女主角唤醒 再赋予其忧郁的双眼了
i wish you were more than a memory, a face on the news
我愿你不仅仅是过眼云烟 也不愿只看见你静止的面容
half of the monday's gone to blinking,
眨眼之间 星期一的半晌已流逝
a mouth on the phone is hinting
and breathing facts, and awful attack
悄悄地传达着战况 发生了一场严重的袭击
the tv is singing flats, the personals have no regrets
电视里还是照常放着乏味的歌曲 人们丝毫没有感到伤感
the last time i saw you, i was home
上一次见到你 是在家里
if there's a chance to say,
若还有机会 我想说
to look at our lives, listen jay,
能否一同聆听松鸦鸣叫 静待时光拂过
the moment i saw you, i was home
若你我再相见 我一定还是在家
3.fugitive and science
5.the last time i saw you
6.a brief reply II
8.a radio address
9.i know it's not much
10.edge of water / the end