When the rain set in we had nowhere left to go
so we just stayed in bed while the thunder rolled
我们就躺在床上 窗外雷声轰隆
there's a comfort in the rain,one that lovers only know
雨中自有的安逸 只有恋人们才懂
so we lay hand in hand while the water rose ...
所以我们手牵着手 当大雨淅沥时
Every season will turn til the world is upside down
季节更迭 直至世界天翻地覆
rivers overflow then go underground
but in the eye of the storm,in the safety of this house
但即使外面狂风暴雨 我们也在家里安然无恙
we lay hand in hand while the world turns wrong.
所以我们手牵着手 在世界颠覆之时
So keep us and keep us,keep us from the storm.
所以啊 让我们远离风暴
There's a lesson in the rain that change will always come
从雨中我们可以悟出一个道理 一切终会雨过天晴
let us ride this wave and then greet the sun
and though the ground may shake and we'll think
we've had enough
we must raise our flags for the ones we love.
So keep us and keep us,keep us from the storm.
所以啊 让我们远离风暴
Keep us and keep us and keep us from the storm.
所以啊 让我们远离风暴
1.The Longer I Run
2.So Are You to Me
4.Keep Us
6.Song for Viola
7.Los Angeles
8.Under My Skin
9.I'll Forget You