I can barely speak, barely hold my head up now
我几乎讲不出话 也抬不起头来
I feel buried in, shadows try and black me out
深感情绪低落 阴影笼罩了我
I've been carrying this bottle but it weighs me down
一直握着这瓶酒 它却令我难以喘息
My addictive personality finally got the best of me
She spun around, tipsy, and and my hands are tied
她转过身来 醉眼迷离 这时我腾不出手
So I turn to her, told myself it's just a vice
我转向她 告诫自己说这只是种恶习
'Cause I know that she's no good, but I am hypnotized
因为我深知她没什么好的 但我却着了迷
Her lips are a distillery and
She put whiskey, whiskey, whiskey in the water
我试图抵抗 可她有更有力的证明
I try and fight it, but her proof stronger
我仿佛被钉在祭坛上 与野兽相搏
I'm pinned against the altar, wrestling with the monster
可每次我试图离开 她都把自己的情意化入杯中酒
But every time I try to leave, she pours herself into my drink
(Whiskey in the water)
我能感受到这加冰的灼烧酒劲 这令我精疲力竭
可她带我感受极乐 对我说 现在我只属于她了
I can feel the burn on the rocks, it lays me out
从未品过一口至尊佳酿 却尝到这举世无双的味道
But she takes me deep and tells me that I'm all hers now
Never had a sip of royalty, but taste the crown
Her lips are a distillery and
我试图抵抗 可她有更有力的证明
我仿佛被钉在祭坛上 与野兽相搏
She put whiskey, whiskey, whiskey in the water
可每次我试图离开 她都把自己的情意化入杯中酒
I try and fight it, but her proof stronger
I'm pinned against the altar, wrestling with the monster
每一次拉扯 她更占据上风
But every time I try to leave, she pours herself into my drink
Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey in the water
With every pull, she pushes even harder
She always seems to know when I start to sober up
犹如心头一击 却会流下受伤的血迹
And she pours the stuff into my drink
(Whiskey in the water)
我越抵抗 阻力也越强劲
击败了我 拖曳着我 将我拉下深渊
Like a shot to the heart, but there's blood in the water
The current is dragging, pulling me farther
The more that I fight it, the more it gets stronger
我试图抵抗 可她有更有力的证明
Fighting me, dragging me, pulling me down below
我仿佛被钉在祭坛上 与野兽相搏
Down below
可每次我试图离开 她都把自己的情意化入杯中酒
She put whiskey, whiskey, whiskey in the water
每一次拉扯 她都占据了有利的势头
I try and fight it, but her proof stronger
我仿佛被钉在祭坛上 与野兽相搏
I'm pinned against the altar, wrestling with the monster
可每次我试图离开 她都把自己的情意化入杯中酒
But every time I try to leave, she pours herself into my drink
Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey in the water
With every pull, she pushes even harder
I'm pinned against the altar, wrestling with the monster
But every time I try to leave, she pours herself into my drink
Whiskey in the water
Oh whiskey in the water