(Break it, break it, break it)
Break it, move it
Ordered to be the fool
Gotta play a fool, even if it means you lose
你最好给姐装傻 即使这意味着你已经输了
Never break the rules
Plenty bitches wanna see my head chopped off
Play it cool, plenty bitches get their heads knocked off
姐酷得很 贱婢们都对我顶礼膜拜
Started from the bottom but I still made boss
从无到有 姐做自己的女王
Did this shit without ‘em and I still made off
白手起家 姐依然做到了
Credit line says I keep the bill payed off
Sipping champagne, pay nothing Fendi, with two bitches from Italy
小嘬一口香槟 身着芬迪 和意大利的姐妹们一起
Keep a tab on all my enemies, I’m more like their tenamy
给所有敌人们贴上标签 他们无处可逃
Light headed, I’m buzzing in light airs like air
飘飘欲仙 姐仿佛置身九霄云外
Shoot a bitch in a movie like Mike Ayres, Nike Airs
射杀一个贱婢 就像电影明星一般
Got 'em jumping like Jordan in flight airs, like bear
Moving at the speed of li-light on my feet
行动如光速 仿佛脚下有了光
Bitches L.A. get sneaked, the type-a bitch I be
姐在洛杉矶被人跟踪 家常便饭了
My history not a mystery, got ‘em missing me
老娘的光辉历史并非什么神话 他们也对我心心念念
A thousand lit like a centipede like infinity
闪光灯闪烁不停 好像永无尽头
Keep a cool [?], ‘cause you killing me
保持冷酷 因为你也和姐一样杀气十足
[?] copied the kid, more like a mini me
抄袭狗不断模仿姐 但也无法成为我
Rode down on thee’ bitches, diamonds on me glisten
踩烂这些贱婢的脸 钻石在我身上熠熠生辉
I can tell thee' bitches pissed ‘cause I’m winning, know they offended
姐敢说这些烂货们都吓尿了 因为姐势不可挡她们被强烈冒犯
Boss move, bitch I be smiling, see me grinning
Pull up in that light pink coupe, they see me in it
入座粉红超跑 她们看见姐的倩影
No tent, don’t even sin, hotter than cement
毫不掩饰 不干坏事 和姐妹们如胶似漆
See bitch, look what I did, check out my defence
看见恶女和老娘干的坏事 和姐法庭上见吧
Prevents, duck in the trenches, I never leave it
姐也小心翼翼 绝不阴沟里翻船
Remix, fresher than salad, I pop a pussy ho for reaching
全新混音 新鲜出炉 姐干翻接近我的贱婢
I know they hate the realest
Champagne sipping when I'm walking out Animas
小嘬香槟 阔步走出阿尼玛
Might shut down the arena, bitch I give 'em the remus
姐可能会退出舞台 姐战无不胜
Doing donuts in the six, I'm feeling wavy
姐吃着甜甜圈 心中波涛汹涌
Cash money on me I keep the bills like I'm baby
金钱将我淹没 姐就像招财猫一般
Banging, I'm changing my ****ing name, now I go crazy
砰!老娘在换新名字 姐真的要开始暴走了
1.Bi Polar