Hurry!Hurry!-Dora The Explorer
Hurry hurry the kings are alone
Let's get the king's money and bring them back home
Look the seven dwarfs
The seven dwarfs were alone each night
Till they found the grand snow white
What was her name
Snow White
Look there's Cinderella
Poor Cinderella her clothes are a mess
To go to the ball she needs a nice dress
What does she need a dress
Hurry hurry
The kings are alone
Let's get the king's money and bring them back home
Look it's little red riding hood
She's got goodies in her red box
She better watch out for swiper the fox
Who should she watch out for
Swiper the fox
1.Dora The Explorer Theme
2.Backpack, Backpack!
3.I'm The Map!
4.Travel Song Medley
5.Let's All Move Like The Animals Do!
6.I Love My Boots
7.Reach Up & Catch The Stars!
8.Fairytale Land
9.Popping Bubbles
10.When You Grow Up What Will You Be?
11.I'm The Grumpy Old Troll
12.Tenemos Amigos
13.Super Spies!
14.Hurry! Hurry!
15.Magic Music Box
16.The City Of Lost Toys
17.Feliz Cumpleanos
18.Boots' Special Day
19.Un Dia Especial
20.Bate Bate Chocolate
21.Do The Robot Walk
22.The Chicken Dance
23.Super Silly Fiesta
24.The Itsy Bitsy Spider
25.The Fix-It Machine
26.Boots The Monkey!
27.Mary Had A Little Lamb
28.Super Map!
29.Goin' On A Berry Hunt
30.Bouncy Ball
31.The Happy Song
32.Run, Dora, Run!
33.A Musician I Am
34.ABC (The Alphabet Song)
35.Baby Dino
36.Squeaky I Love You
37.Swiper No Swiping!
38.I'm Really Gonna Hit The Ball
39.Baseball, Baseball, Fun In The Sun
40.We Did It!
41.El Coqui
42.La Lechuza
43.Buenas Noches
44.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star