1 o' clock, 2 o' clock, all the seconds passing by
一点了 两点了 一分一秒在流逝
3, 4, 5 o' clock, minutes gone up to the sky
三四五点 分分钟就要上天
6, 7, 8 o' clock, to the hours say good-bye
六七八点 向时间说再见
9 and 10 o' clock. When will it ever stop?
九点十点 为何时间不停歇
一点了 两点了 一分一秒在流逝
1 o' clock, 2 o' clock, all the seconds passing by
三四五点 分分钟就要上天
3, 4, 5 o' clock, minutes gone up to the sky
六七八点 向时间说再见
6, 7, 8 o' clock, to the hours say good-bye
九点十点 为何时间不停歇
9 and 10 o' clock. When will it ever stop?
快起来 没时间在床上吃早餐了
时钟滴滴答地走 我赶紧补一下妆
Got to hurry up, no time for breakfast in bed
到处都是衣服 我没一件够得着
The clock goes tic tac-tac, I'll fix my make up instead
滴答滴答 我得整理下发型了
Clothes are all around and I've got nothing to wear
我只想再多点时间 我要疯了
It's going tic tac-tac, I have to do my hair!
购物 聊电话 我的最爱
Oh, I only wish I had a little time, I'm going crazy
一点了 两点了 一分一秒在流逝
Shopping, talking on the phone, my favorite line
三四五点 分分钟就要上天
Makin' me happy!
六七八点 向时间说再见
九点十点 为何时间不停歇
1 o' clock, 2 o' clock, all the seconds passing by
我头晕眼花的 吐得到处都是
3, 4, 5 o' clock, minutes gone up to the sky
时钟滴滴答 我的世界天旋地转
6, 7, 8 o' clock, to the hours say good-bye
跑出门 哦亲爱的 我迟到了
9 and 10 o' clock. When will it ever stop?
时钟滴滴答 我要开始一天了
我多想再多一点时间 我要疯了
I'm so busy makes me dizzy, spinning around
购物 聊电话 我的最爱
The clock goes tic tac-tac, my world is upside down
Running out the door, Oh dear! I'm already late
一点了 两点了 一分一秒在流逝
The clock goes tic tac-tac, I've got to get on my way
三四五点 分分钟就要上天
六七八点 向时间说再见
Oh, I only wish I had a little time, I'm going crazy
九点十点 为何时间不停歇
Shopping, talking on the phone, my favorite line
Makin' me happy!
滴答滴答 时钟走得好快
1 o' clock, 2 o' clock, all the seconds passing by
滴答滴答 告诉我怎样才能停下
3, 4, 5 o' clock, minutes gone up to the sky
一点了 两点了 一分一秒在流逝
6, 7, 8 o' clock, to the hours say good-bye
三四五点 分分钟就要上天
9 and 10 o' clock. When will it ever stop?
六七八点 向时间说再见
九点十点 为何时间不停歇
Tic-toc tic-toc, oh whoa-oh-whoa-oh-whoa
一点了 两点了 一分一秒在流逝
Tic-toc tic-toc, clock is ticking much too fast!
三四五点 分分钟就要上天
Tic-toc tic-toc, oh-whoa-oh-whoa-oh-whoa
六七八点 向时间说再见
Tic toc tic-toc, say how can you make it last
九点十点 为何时间不停歇
1 o' clock, 2 o' clock, all the seconds passing by
3, 4, 5 o' clock, minutes gone up to the sky
6, 7, 8 o' clock, to the hours say good-bye
9 and 10 o' clock. Makin' me happy!
1 o' clock, 2 o' clock, all the seconds passing by
3, 4, 5 o' clock, minutes gone up to the sky
6, 7, 8 o' clock, to the hours say good-bye
9 and 10 o' clock. When will it ever stop?
3.Mr Wonderful
4.Tic Toc
6.Comme Ci Comme Ca
7.Get Out
8.Knock Knock
9.Middle of the Night
10.Sweet Senorita