Good Days

Good day in my mind safe to take a step out
记忆里的那些美好时日 让我安然踏出一步
Get some air now let your edge out
深呼一口气 让你从我脑海里消散而去
Too soon I spoke you be heavy in my mind
你在我心中重要这种话 为时已早吧
Can you get the heck out
I need rest now got me bummed out
一切让我筋疲力尽 我需要静心休息
You so you so you baby baby babe
宝贝 你啊你啊
I've been on my empty mind s**t
I try to keep from losin' the rest of me
已然陷入迷失的沼泽 尝试挽救自我
I worry that I wasted the best of me on you baby
You don't care
Said "Not tryna be a nuisance it's just urgent"
说你也不是想做个讨厌家伙 不过你现在很忙很急
Tryna make sense of loose change
Got me a war in my mind
在脑海回想 总让我心烦意乱
Gotta let go of weight can't keep what's holding me
我得卸下这负重 不要让此束缚我
Choose to watch
While the world break up and fall on me
当世界破碎崩塌 一切负重压着我
All the while I'll await my armored fate with a smile
一直以来 自信微笑 等待着属于我的无惧险阻的命运
Still wanna try still believe in good days good days
始终尝试 始终怀揣美好时日的信念
Always always always inside
Good day living in my mind
Tell me about my fears my limitations
将我的恐惧 我的局限告诉于我
I'll disappear if you let me
如果你允许 我就消失离开
Feeling like yeah
Feeling like Jericho
Feeling like Joe when he lost his s**t
感觉如同圣经里的Job失去他的一切 我失控心碎
Gotta hold my own my cross to bear alone I
背负自己的十字架 独自忍受负担和考验
Ooh paid a deal way to kill the mood
花大笔钱 让自己不再那么难受
Know you like that s**t getting good with it
知道你喜欢 一切开始好转
Baby baby heavy on my empty mind s**t
宝贝 一切我空虚内心压的好重
I gotta keep from losin' the rest of me
已然陷入迷失的沼泽 尝试挽救自我
Rest of me
Still worry that I wasted the best of me on you baby
You don't care
Said "Not tryna be a nuisance it's just urgent"
说你也不是想做个讨厌家伙 不过你现在很忙很急
Tryna make sense of loose change
Got me a war in my mind
在脑海回想 总让我心烦意乱
My mind
Gotta let go of weight can't keep what's holding me
我得卸下这负重 不要让此束缚我
Choose to watch
While the world break up and fall on me
当世界破碎崩塌 一切负重压着我
All the while I'll await my armored fate with a smile
一直以来 自信微笑 等待着属于我的无惧险阻的命运
Still wanna try still believe in good days good days
始终尝试 始终怀揣美好时日的信念
Always always always sunny inside
Good day living in my mind
Gotta get right tryna free my mind before the end of the world
世界末日之前 我要做出正确决定 让我内心解放自由
I don't miss no ex I don't miss no text
我不会去思念前任 不会留念任何讯息
I just choose not to respond
I don't regret just pretend s**t never happened
我不会感到后悔 就假装一切未曾发生
Half of us layin' waste and our youth is in the present
我们中的半数虚度光阴 然而美好青春岁月就在当下
Half of us chasin' fountains of youth and it's in the present
我们中的半数苦苦追寻青春源泉 但其就在当下
Always on my mind always on my mind mind
You've been making me feel like I'm
Always on my mind always on my mind mind
美好时日永驻内心 永驻内心
1.Good Days