ur the one i dream bout (prod. mydepression)

- Half of your face was stolen by the night.
The moon liked your eyes so much that she swallowed them whole.
那清冷月光极度痴迷你的眼眸 她毫不吝啬地倾泻光辉于你的眼
The stars liked your skin, the way it catches the light.
So much that they stole it to use as a blanket.
它们太喜欢你了 以至于偷走你身上的光毯 将自己紧紧包围
I liked your bottom lip so much that I whispered a soft lullaby to it in between your steady breaths.
我爱死你的下唇了 不禁在你的稳定的呼吸间轻柔地为它哼一首摇篮曲
You aren't mine but the evening air is still jealous.
你并不属于我 可以即便如此 晚风依旧嫉妒我的存在
I kiss you like you are monumental because you are.
我仿佛贪婪地吻了你一世 因为于而言我你是永恒的
The night kisses you like you are monumental because she is inside your head.
这夜晚也不休地亲吻着你 因为她已滑入你的梦境
Catching up cause she told me we can speak now
她絮絮低语 提醒我们 可以说话了
I keep my lights on when i sleep now
在睡前 我都会留几盏灯
I keep my phone on when u go out
当你出门时 我会确保手机开着
Cause when i fall asleep ur the one i dream bout
因为每当我入睡 你即是我梦境中的惟一
Brought a black nikon to the beach house
Pull my fleece out when i feel the breeze out
每当我感受到你的气息渐渐困倦时 我都会为你轻轻盖上羊毛毯
Used to freak, now ur too busy to go out
见怪不怪了 如今我们无闲暇一起出门
Throw my dreams out all i do is sleep now
将梦从脑海里赶走 我只不过希望睡着
I had it all planned
We could just fall back
Onto the couch look at the moon and just smoke up the whole pack
瘫在沙发上吞云吐雾 吐出一座云团
Now its all u said i said
Whenever u mad im mad
Who got the heart on snapchat
If she hit u up dont call back
如果她挂了你的电话 就别再打了
Catching up cause she told me we can speak now
晚风絮絮低语 提醒我们 可以说话了
I keep my lights on when i sleep now
在睡前 我都会留几盏灯
I keep my phone on when u go out
当你出门时 我会确保手机开着
Cause when i fall asleep ur the one i dream bout
因为每当我入睡 你即是我梦境中的惟一
Brought a black nikon to the beach house
Pull my fleece out when i feel the breeze out
每当我感受到你的气息渐渐困倦时 我都会为你轻轻盖上羊毛毯
Used to freak, now ur too busy to go out
见怪不怪了 如今我们无闲暇一起出门
Throw my dreams out all i do is sleep now
将梦从脑海里赶走 我只不过希望睡着
1.ur the one i dream bout (prod. mydepression)