Black Black beauty beautiful
Mind body and soul and everywhere in between
心灵、身体和灵魂 无处不在
Ain't that what you see
She's a Black black beauty such a precious gift to behold
她是一个黑美人 是那样珍贵的礼物
Theres a story to be told wanna hear it here it goes
这里面的故事 且听我慢慢诉说
Papa was a rollin stone
Mama had to work she was always gone
母亲常年在外 为了生计
So it wasn't long before the streets became her home
不久之后 她便居无定所 流浪街头
You see she was educated through urban exploitation
这所残酷的城市 让她迅速成长
And graduated with honors
And now she's hopeless left with brokenness
但现在她孤独绝望 只剩一身破碎
The streets ain't worth the pain they cause
这街道 不值得它带来的痛苦
Let me tell you who you are
Black Black beauty beautiful
黑皮肤下 你的美丽仍然动人
Mind body and soul and everywhere in between
心灵、身体和灵魂 无处不在
Ain't that what you see
She's a Black black beauty such a precious gift to behold
她是一个黑美人 是那样珍贵的礼物
Theres a story to be told wanna hear it here it goes
这里面的故事 且听我慢慢诉说
Her body's worth more than his words
比起她的曼妙身体 男人的甜言蜜语不值一提
But so well spoken they serve as tokens
但话说得再飘 也只是用来填补钱包
Used to purchase a moment
And she's no wiser insecurities tend to blind her
而她简单纯粹 缺少安全感 让她变得盲目
While reality seems to bind her
残酷的现实 束缚着她的生命
And now she's hopeless left with brokenness
现在她孤独绝望 只剩一身破碎
But he ain't worth the pain he cause
男人 不值得她受过的苦
Let me tell you who you are
Black Black beauty beautiful
黑皮肤下 你的美丽仍然动人
Mind body and soul and everywhere in between
心灵、身体和灵魂 无处不在
Ain't that what you see
Black Black beauty beautiful............
黑皮肤下 你的美丽仍然动人
Her strength of mind has the power to change the world
她内心坚韧 足以改变这个世界
Instead she believes the lies that poison the soul
她相信 谎言会腐蚀人的灵魂
Told she could never be would never be
她无法变成 也不会变成
Anything beyond what eyes could see
And for that pain she medicates heavily
为了治疗曾经苦痛 她不幸服药过多
And now she's hopeless left with brokenness
现在她孤独绝望 只剩一身破碎
The drugs ain't worth the pain they cause
Let me tell you who you are
Black Black beauty beautiful
黑皮肤下 你的美丽仍然动人
Mind body and soul and everywhere in between
心灵、身体和灵魂 无处不在
Ain't that what you see
Black Black beauty beautiful............
黑皮肤下 你的美丽仍然动人
Mind body and soul they all go
心灵、身体和灵魂 它们都会溜走
Hand in hand that's what makes you whole
携手同行 才能让你变得完整
Let no one take advantage
You're too precious preserved to endure
你是悉心照料的花朵 无法忍受我受过的痛
That's what you are a reflection of His love
So don't be hopeless let go of brokenness
不要变得孤独绝望 远离伤害你的人
And remember who you are your a
Black Black beauty beautiful
Mind body and soul and everywhere in between
心灵、身体和灵魂 无处不在
Ain't that what you see
Black Black beauty
1.Forbidden Fruit
2.Black Beauty
3.Who's In The Mirror
4.Do What You Gotta Do
5.Wait A Minute
6.Written All Over Me
7.Be Okay
8.Eyes Closed
9.Just In The Nik Of Time
10.Never Forget To Love