I've been meaning to say something to you
Hey can I talk to you
Baby please
Please please no listen
I just
I just been trying to figure out
How to tell you that
I miss you
That if you gone keep
Ignoring these texts
And feeding my regrets
About things I did wrong
Then you got another thing coming
Lord knows I miss you
Cause I ain't thinking about you
I got plenty cold ones blowing up
My phone as we speak
And as you slander and tweet
Saying what really is on your mind
Saying things
You never had the time to tell me
I am go see someone 23 22 25 34
But more mature
My sister told me
You were too young
But I ain't listen to her
I should have cut you from the start
You ain't breaking my heart
You showing your true colors
Running a flutter
As soon things get to clutter
You ain't ever seen a gutter before
Well look no further
Here's one between my utters
I'll show you the gutter
The toilet the flusher
And the usher to take you
Out of my sight
After all this shit is over
I'm not a relationship goal poster
A casanova
I can give you pugs flowers
Rubs your shoulders
I can send you paragraphs
With shit I'm gonna say over
Over and over and over
That shit is corny
I miss you
That shit only happens on the internet
A bae won't last everyday
That's not what love is
Love is a kiss to the gun
Love is after you realize you don't like
But still love
Love is not a four letter word