Orange Blossom Ring

Orange Blossom Ring
The Klezmatics
I loved a man so kind and sweet 我爱过那个男人 深情而甜蜜
And every night we used to meet 每个夜晚我们都约定相见
He gave to me my orange blossom ring. 那天他给我带上了订婚戒指
He got in trouble down in town 可后来他在镇上惹上麻烦
The deputy sheriff shot him down 副警长开枪将他击倒
I wore his golden orange blossom ring. 而我还戴着他给我的订婚戒指
'Twas on the night we were to wed 在我们本要结婚的那夜
I got the news that he was dead 我永远失去了他
I thought of his orange blossom ring. 脑海里都是那枚婚戒
I drove to the place where he did lay 我去到他倒下的地方
The last word that I heard him say 我听到他最后对我说
O' put away that orange blossom ring. 亲爱的 摘下那枚订婚戒指吧
I would not have you live a life 我不愿让你活在那样的未来里
Of loneliness and tears and strife 那样满是孤独泪水和纷争的未来
So put away my orange blossom ring. 摘下那枚婚戒吧
Just because I'm dead and gone 我将永远离开你了
I would not see you live alone 我不愿看你孤独的活着
And dwell alone with an orange blossom ring. 被这枚婚戒束缚
Another lover I did meet 再后来我遇到了新的爱人
We're married now with children sweet 有了幸福的家庭和可爱的孩子
He gave to me an orange blossom ring. 他给的那枚雕刻着盛开橙花的戒指
Down through these years that we've been wed 结婚以来我一直戴着
I've never to my husband said 但我从未向他说过
This is my second orange blossom ring 这是我的第二枚订婚戒指
Another lover I did meet 我遇到了新的爱人
We're married now with children sweet 有了幸福的家庭和可爱的孩子
He gave to me an orange blossom ring. 他给的那枚雕刻着盛开橙花的戒指
Down through these years that we've been wed 结婚以来我一直戴着
I've never to my husband said 但我从未向他说过
This is my second orange blossom ring 这是我的第二枚订婚戒指
1.Orange Blossom Ring
2.Come When I Call You
3.Mermaid's Avenue
4.Headdy Down
5.Gonna Get Through This World
6.Pass Away
7.Holy Ground
8.Goin' Away to Sea
9.From Here on In
10.Wheel of Life