House by the Sea

They say home is the place where your heart is
人说 家是你的心所在之处
Then I am home now, though I am far away
那么我现在已经身处家中 虽然我的肉体却在千里之外
For so long I've let the forest guard it
长久以来 我都让茂密的森林来守卫我的家
And now it's begging me to stay
And I'm trying my best to be tough
To pretend I am strong and can siphon it off
假装我很坚强 可以撇开我的牵挂
But I'm not who I wanted to be
In my heart I belong in a house by the sea
在我的心中 我有一所房子 面朝大海
They say home is a place where you're needed
人说 家是你被需要的地方
Then I am home now, but I am leaving
那么我现在已经身处家中 虽然我正要离开
To feel my feet being kissed by the *******
And I will be silent and kiss it back
我会静静地享受着 并给予它们同样的吻
This is not who I want you to see
It's just adding on weight to the darkness in me
And from the little I have understood
I believe that a house by the sea would do good
我相信 拥有一所面朝大海的房子能够减少我内心的阴影
They say home is a place you can choose to be
人说 家是你可以选择的地方
And I've decided to carry home inside me
So it's not really as if I am leaving
It's more like something pulling me
Because behind everything that I do
I just want to forget, want to carry this through
都是为了忘记 想要坚持下去
Fill my lungs with the sweet summer air
In my heart, in my mind I am already there
在我的心里 在我的脑海里我已经在那儿
Yeah behind everything that I do
是啊 我所做的一切事情
I just want to come home and lay down beside you
我只是想回到家里 躺在你身旁
And then I'll be who I wanted to be
In my heart I belong in a house by the sea
在我的心里 我有一所房子 面朝大海
1.House by the Sea