If I wrote it in your letter then it don't mean ****
如若我在你的信中写了这事儿 并不意味着它糟糕透顶
Cause I am a liar, a dirty wire
只因为我这人谎话连篇 肮脏不堪
You could name my body but it'll make you sick
你当然能给我的身体命名 但只怕它会让你作呕
You have a savior, it's your heart of anger
正是你愤怒的心 才能将你救赎
But my dog ain't nothin', he ain't nothin' like my lover
但我的宠物狗他 和我的爱人一点不像
Ain't nothin' like my lover at all
He will sit upon my shoulder, let the dark day cover
他会坐在我的肩膀上 让这阴郁的日子度过
The dark day cover me up
I've got two half dollars underneath my bed
一个给我的宝贝 另一个留给那位
One's for my baby, one's for the lady
当我的意识已消亡在六楼时 发现了我的女士
On the sixth floor found me when my mind was dead
你可以相信他们告诉你的 但我来此是为了救赎你
Buy what they tell you but I'm, I'm here to save you
我那只狗啊 和我的爱人根本不像
But my dog ain't nothin', he ain't nothin' like my lover
Ain't nothin' like my lover at all
他就只会坐在我的肩膀上 让这阴郁的日子度过
He will sit upon my shoulder, let the dark day cover
The dark day cover me up
“我们的命运紧紧相连 彼此同在!”
I heard a lady singing,
“We're all bound together!”
I joined her side by saying,
“To dance beneath the heavens!”
我猜她一定美貌动人 是你们城市里的女王
如果你焚烧所有的罪人 我会加入你的组织
Christ, your mother's hanging on my bedroom door
I'll bet she's pretty, Queen of your City
但是我高高在上的主啊 你完全不像我的爱人
If you burn all sinners I could join your corp
And sing HOLY, HOLY till my, my day of glory
你会坐在我的肩膀上 等待着这阴郁的日子度过
But my Lord, you ain't nothin', you ain't nothin' like my lover
Ain't nothin' like my lover at all
你可以坐在我的肩膀上 让这阴郁的日子
You would sit upon my shoulder, let the dark day cover
The dark day cover me up
You could sit upon my shoulder, let the dark day cover
The dark day cover me up
1.Queen Of The City
2.Lock & Key
4.Cadillac Desert
5.Gone Away From Me
6.Along The Way