Oh, Who will plough the fields now or who will sow the corn?
谁来耕耘 谁来播种
And who will mind the sheep now and keep them neatly shorn?
谁还会在意羊群 把它们修剪干净
The stack that's in the haggard, unthrashed it may remain
谷物未曾打过 随便在院中堆放
Since Johnny's went a-thrashing the dirty king of Spain
因为乔治已经出发 去对抗卑鄙的西班牙王
The girls from the bawnogue in sorrow may retire
风笛手回到家中 在火炉边鼓起了他的风箱
And the piper and his bellows go home and blow the fire
因为乔治 亲爱的乔治正在海上搏击风浪
Since Johnny, lovely Johnny is sailing o'er the main
Along with other patriots to fight the King of Spain
当敌人在周围出现 将勾起他们的思念
哀伤的他们勇敢的首领 到处找寻不见
The boys will surely miss him when Moneymore comes round
粗俗懒散的卫兵 不得不忙碌在谷仓
And they'll find that their bold captain is nowhere to be found
因为英勇的男孩子们 已经去对抗贪婪的西班牙王
And the peelers must stand idle, all against their will and main
Since the gallant boys who gave them work now peels the King of Spain
再也等不到你回来 讲述英勇的事迹
再也看不到你 与傲慢的贵族作战
At wakes or hurling matches your like we'll never see
因为我们目光所及 也无法看到你经历的痛苦
Till you come back to us again a stor gra geal mo chroi
And won't you thrash the buckeens that show us much disdain
Because our eyes are not so bright as those you'll meet in Spain
不再欢笑 在伤痛和悲伤中走向死亡
乔治战死在遥远的他乡 为了爱尔兰的荣耀
If cruel fate will not permit our Johnny to return
His heavy loss we Bantry girls will never cease to mourn
We'll resign ourselves to our sad lot and die in grief and pain
Since Johnny died for Ireland's pride in the foreign land of Spain
1.The Cats Meow
2.The Edge of the White Rock
3.John of the Glen
4.Bantry Girls Lament
5.The Twisting of the Rope
6.The Munster Cloak
7.Homesteaders (From the Film "The Way West")
8.Pinehurst (From the Film "Pinehurst")
9.Come By the Hills
10.Charlie Mulvihills / The Conspiracy
11.Madame Bonaparte
12.Nualas Bonnet / The Croton Dam