Back when I used to wander I was always out looking for signs
回到我过去漫步周游的时光 我总是寻找着这些预兆
But they were never there so I'd pull 'em from the air
却一无所获 于是我只能从空气中索求
We all believed in something but like you I can't say why
我们各有信仰 但你对我而言 却是无从解释
It's just a whisper in our ear or a bottle for our fears
只是耳边呢喃交欢 凭借酒精变得无畏
Hold me to light let me shine
拥我入光芒 让我闪耀夺目
Come hold me to the floor and say it's alright
放我于长廊地板 嘴里喃喃一切安然
Come hold me 'neath the water's skin until I'm new again
轻放我于水澜之下 直到我的人间再活
And I said what I was thinking
Now you can't see what's good 'til it's gone
Then there's something to be said for a place to lay your head
想说的话欲言又止 那时候轻轻放下你更重要
You told me I was simple
你告诉过我的 我如此纯粹
And you injured me with that piece of my mind
And I listened to the creek and it did much more for me
听溪水潺潺 我更为治愈
I'll hold you to the light let you shine
我为你披上一束光 让你也如此耀眼
I'll hold you against the floor and say it's alright
我也会坐在地板上抱着你 说没事的
Cause down beneath the water's skin where we will swim
And there's diamonds on the surface then
And they'll come clean us we'll both live again
会净化我们的一切 我们也会因此重生
These days I barely wander and I don't need no more of them signs
徘徊的时日已过去 我也再不需要更多所谓的预兆
I'll just breathe in all that air and be happy that it's there
会再次感受这些空气 然后因为它们的存在而开心