When the dinner is cold and the chatter gets old
当晚餐渐凉 交谈成俗老套
You ask for the tab
你欲终结 算清代价
Or that moment again he's insisting that friends
Look at each other like that
逢场作戏 四目相视
When the words of a sister come back in whispers
That prove she was not
In fact what she seemed, not a twin from your dreams
事实上 梦里美好的她 不过缥缈虚无罢了
She's a crook who was caught
That old familiar body ache
往昔心底隐匿的伤 依旧隐隐作痛
The snaps from the same little breaks in your soul
灵魂深处 难以忘怀的撕扯
You know when it's time to go
即便如此 但你深知 是时前赴征程
Twenty years at your job
Then the son of the boss gets the spot that was yours
卑鄙小人 却无情霸占你的心血
Or trying to stay for the kids
抑或是以成果要挟 逼迫我留下
When keeping it how it is will only break their hearts worse
无谓的滞留 只留得自己伤痕累累
That old familiar body ache
往昔心底隐匿的伤 依旧隐隐作痛
The snaps from the same little breaks in your soul
灵魂深处 难以忘怀的撕扯
You know when it's time to go
即便如此 但你深知 是时前赴征程
Sometimes giving up is the strong thing
有时 选择放弃 坚毅无畏
Sometimes to run is the brave thing
有时 奔赴心向 勇气可嘉
Sometimes walking out is the one thing
有时 唯一选择 便是挺身而出
That will find you the right thing
你终将寻得 心底的正确抉择
Sometimes giving up is the strong thing
有时 选择放弃 坚毅无畏
Sometimes to run is the brave thing
有时 奔赴心向 勇气可嘉
Sometimes walking out is the one thing
有时 唯一选择 便是挺身而出
That will find you the right thing
你终将寻得 心底的正确抉择
Fifteen years, fifteen million tears
数载磨砺的成果被践踏 我不禁潸然泪下
Begging 'til my knees bled
委屈求全 直至血漫膝下
I gave it my all, he gave me nothing at all
我不遗余力 倾进一切 他却置若罔闻
Then wondered why I left
Now he sits on his throne in his palace of bones
如今在白骨砌成的宫殿内 他端坐于自命不凡的王座上
Praying to his greed
He's got my past frozen behind glass
他将我往昔尘封 心血埋没
But I've got me
That old familiar body ache
往昔心底隐匿的伤 依旧隐隐作痛
The snaps from the same little breaks in my soul
灵魂深处 难以忘怀的撕扯
I know when it's time to go
即便如此 但我深知 是时前赴征程
Sometimes giving up is the strong thing
有时 选择放弃 坚毅无畏
Sometimes to run is the brave thing
有时 奔赴心向 勇气可嘉
Sometimes walking out is the one thing
有时 唯一选择 便是挺身而出
That will find you the right thing
你终将寻得 心底的正确抉择
Sometimes giving up is the strong thing
有时 选择放弃 坚毅无畏
Sometimes to run is the brave thing
有时 奔赴心向 勇气可嘉
Sometimes walking out is the one thing
有时 唯一选择 便是挺身而出
That will find you the right thing
你终将寻得 心底的正确抉择
That will find you the right thing
你终将寻得 心底的正确抉择
And you know in your soul
And you know in your soul
When it's time to go
你深知 是时前赴征程
You know, you know, you know, you know
你心已透彻明了 心中有数
When it's time to go
So then you go
Then you go
You just go