Mix By ProVoke
Virus, lets talk about the virus / 来,我们来看看现在的情况
It’s a virus of bias that can really inspire us / 这种偏见让我们得到启发
They saying that €hina has no hooman rights / 他们说我们不行
We alarmed the sirens when they all went silence / 当我们发出警告,他们却视而不见
Wuhan city went full lockdown they laugh about it / 他们嘲笑我们采取的措施
Look around their own numbers they kinda doubt it / 当自己的数字上升时还将信将疑
People asking for mask in government’s grasping / 你们鼓励不带马斯克的真正原因是什么的呢?
€hinese downtown’s hot now, you can’t live without it / 我们现在很强大且你们离不开我们
Sorry that I’m cocky ‘bout what I’m saying / 抱歉我有些骄傲了
Must be joking with the blame game that you playing / 可能是因为我在嘲笑你们的甩行为
Sydney Light Rail quite pale, financially damn failed / SYD轻轨拖了那么长时间花了那么多钱才弄完
We can build up a hospital in around 10 days / 我们可是10天就弄好了
If this happens in any other countries on earth, this planet will be a much worse place to live / 如果当初事情发生在别处,地球会比现在更糟
WHO didn’t declare pandemic?During hInI they (western countries) saying “too sensitive” / 他们说这组织反应太慢,阿美利加福禄的时候又说他们太敏感
€hina this €hina that, all the excuses for a cover up / 总是说些有的没的贬低我们以给自己留后路
Dissing €hina for finer, didn’t warn it on time / 见不得我们的恢复速度,还说我们没给你们预兆
Someone really tryna get the evil jokes online / 某些人还在散布恶趣味的玩笑
All these double standards doesn’t matter all because we did better, but you gotta find the answer hear my chatter with some manner / 这些都无所谓了,因为我们做的更好,你想要听到答案就给我仔细听好
Look at the numbers of positive / 看看这数字
Political banner like a cancer Propaganda like a wanker / 无非是一群喜欢断章取义的工具
They won’t stop tho, you know, they want €hina all go / 它们不会停下,它们希望我们走
Media’s reporting is a political dumb show / 工具,愚蠢的工具
American has so many people follow / 偏偏还是有很多人追随
Impeachment happened and you wanna lay low / 被追随的那个人在遇到危机的怎么就怂了呢
Your own state governor is standing up against you / 你自己人都已经开始反对你了
No offense but again have some common sense tho / 有点常识好不好?
Who’s responsibility is not depends on how you play the blame game like a god damn pro / 谁的瑞斯绑思比勒踢不是靠甩!
Mr President / 先-生
What you doing with your residents? / 你在干啥呀?
This virus in your army with a few evidence / 你的臂膀里面都有人病了呀!
We need a answer for the world and the Americans / 全世界都需要一个答案
Why do i kept sensing raci$m elements / 为啥你老是给我一种种族歧视的感觉呢?
Mr President / 先-生
1 month has been wasted on twisted €hina report that’s been pasted / 你浪费了一个月在抹黑上啊
I really do hope the world can finally make it / 我真的希望大家能挺过来
We gotta work together so please don’t fake it / 但我们要通力合作呀!
Mr President / 先-生
Where’s the US patient zero / 你们的0号在哪里方便透露一下吗?
Why don’t you mirror the citizens of yellow / 为啥嘲笑我们而不学学我们呢?
Not hero but you act like The Captain Jack Sparrow waving hands like a dildo try to find lovely Nemo / 你的任务不是演戏啊!
Mr President / 先-生
Blame €hina is you signed up? / 这就是你的工作吗?
Light up Economy and human flesh’s time’s up? / 救market不救people?
Poor and elder people, throw out right up? / 穷的老的都靠边站?
Lined up to Death with their hands been tied up? / 眼睁睁的看着他们迈向死神吗?