Follow me 跟随我
And I will take you in 我将带你进入这个世界
Finally 到最后
You get to see what we think 你便能看到我们的所思所想
I didn’t show up today 今天我并没在这里出现
I only disappeared 我消失于人海
A missing detail of how I should feel 想要去感知一个无法捕捉的记忆碎片
The memory has been erased 这片记忆随风而逝
If you really want to escape 如果你想逃离这个世界
You don’t belong here 只能说明你不属于这里
Follow me 跟随我
And I will take you in 我将带你进入这个世界
Finally 到最后
You get to see what we think 你便能看到我们所思所想
Uh~~~~uh~~~~~~ uh~~~~uh~~~~~~
Turn the lights out and be on your own 关掉灯,这里一切只能靠自己
Outside your window their be watching you now 窗外正有无数双眼睛注视着你
The memory has been erased 这片记忆随风而逝
They were ordering you all to kill 他们控制着你摧毁自己
Follow me 跟随我
And I will take you in 我将带你进入这个世界
Finally 到最后
You get to see what we think 你便能看到我们的所思所想
Uh~~~~uh uh~~~~uh~~~~~~
I find it in the air 我发现它弥漫在身边的每个角落
I saw it in the air 我看到它渗透进我们每一处呼吸
It sounds 它的声音告诉我
It sounded like it’s there 它就在那里
You fall around the air 环绕在你的身边
Follow me 跟随我
And i will take you in 我将带你进入这个世界
You get to see what we think 你便能看到我们所思所想
1.Follow Me
2.A Lot Of Silence Here
3.All The Love In Your Hands
4.Under The Sun
8.Call Someone
9.Ones And Zeros
11.Final Call
12.You And I (Hidden Track)