1.The Time Is Now (John Cena)
2.You Can Look (But You Can't Touch) [feat. Kim Sozzi]
3.Rest in Peace (Undertaker)
4.I Came to Play (The Miz)
5.Voices (Randy Orton) [feat. Rich Luzzi of Rev Theory]
6.Next Big Thing (Brock)
7.Special Op (The Shield)
8.Electrifying (The Rock)
9.Veil of Fire (Kane)
10.Some Bodies Gonna Get It (Mark Henry)
11.Realeza (Alberto Del Rio)
12.Break the Walls Down (Chris Jericho)
13.Just Don't Care Anymore (Wade Barrett)
14.ChaChaLaLa (Fandango)
15.Somebody Call My Momma (Tons of Funk)
16.Flight of the Valkyries (Daniel Bryan)
17.Here to Show the World (Dolph Ziggler)
18.Let's Light It up (AJ Lee)
19.Crank It up (Big Show)
20.Patriot (Jack Swagger)
21.Meat on the Table (Ryback)
22.Written in My Face (Sheamus)
23.The Game (Triple H)