I hope you find what you're looking for when it all comes running down
我希望你能找的到你一直在寻找的东西 当一切都在变得不好时
I hope you find it painted black on your window, or the lips of your lovers frown
我希望你在你的窗户上发现它被印成黑色的 或者在你爱人的嘴唇上的细纹里找到它
Cuz if it dies in cold, when the clouds start to roll.
如果它在寒冷中死去 在云开始翻滚时
Is it then that your soul, starts to bleed?
是不是在那个时候 你的心开始流血?
Have you ever seen the President who killed your wounded child?
Or the man that crashed your sisters plane claiming he was sent of God?
或者那个毁掉你姐妹的飞机的 声称自己被上帝是被指派的
And when she died in your arms, late that night in the dark,
当她在你的手臂里死去 在那个黑暗中的夜里
Did you pray to your own god to come home?
Cuz it ain't fair to say, that these tracks are the same.
因为说 这些路都是相同的 是不公平的
So God if you can hear me crash this train
所以 上帝 如果你听到我 那就毁掉整个火车
Said God if you can hear me crash this train.
我说 上帝 如果你能听到我 那就毁掉整个火车
Now a note to the President, and the Government, and the judges of this place.
现在 一个给总统和政府还有能够评判整个地方的人 的纸条(下面是内容)
We're still waitingfor you to bring our troops home, clean up that mess you made.
我们仍然在等待你带着我们的军队回家 把你们造成的混乱清理干净
Cuz it smells of blood and money across the Iraqi land.
But its so easy here to blind us with your "United We Stand"
但是 用你那套“我们站在一起”很容易能够蒙蔽我们
And it ain't hard to see that this Country ain't free.
看出这个国家并不自由 不是件难事
So God if you can hear me crash this train.
所以 神啊 如果你能听到我 那就毁掉这辆火车
I say God if you can hear me crash this train.
我说 上帝 如果你能听到我 那就毁掉这辆火车
To the mothers and the fathers who done the best they could.
Raisin youngins in a messed up world, it ain't so understood.
在这样一个混乱的世界中把小孩们养大(的行为) 并不能让人理解
So I'll cover my ears, and my eyes, pretend that loves the same.
所以我捂起我的耳朵和眼睛 假装爱还没变
Cuz with one courts signature, it all becomes erased.
因为 只需要一个法庭上的签名 一切就都会被抹去
And it ain't hard to tell,
When its love we sell.
So God if you can hear me, crash this train
所以 上帝啊 如果你能听到我 那就毁掉这辆火车
Said God if you can hear me crash this train.
我说 上帝 如果你能听到我 那就毁掉这辆火车
God if you can hear me crash this train.
所以 上帝啊 如果你能听到我 那就毁掉这辆火车
I say my God if you can hear me crash this train.
我说 上帝 如果你能听到我 那就毁掉这辆火车
1.Crash This Train
2.Crash This Train (Acoustic)
3.The Garden