I've given this a lot of thought
I'm tired of holding your heavy heart
Let's put the fire out
Before we get burned
Nothing's working but we're still pretending we have something
尽管我们不断迁就彼此 但仍然无济于事
Giving everything we have even though it's hopeless
尽管我们倾尽所有 但依旧无法挽回
I gotta say that it's over now, but I won't
我想说 我们已经结束了 但是我并没有说出口
Every time we touch, I lose my head, lose my head, lose my head
每次你我相拥 我便失去理智 失去理智
Gimme just a little taste
I'm good as dead I know I'm staying here tonight
我便满血复活 今夜我想我不会离开
Every time we touch, I lose my head, lose my head, lose my head
每次你我相拥 我便不能自已 不能自已
And I swore I'd never get back in your bed
But I guess I'm staying here tonight
Making me spin like a hurricane
屡次动摇我的信念 我想我要崩溃了
Changing my mind so many times I think I'm going insane
但当灯火熄灭 我们可以不计前嫌
But when the lights go out, we can pretend to be blind
别说话 就让热情在唇齿间尽情释放
Using our lips for anything but words
我发誓我会掌握好分寸 伤及你我之前一定会收手
And I swear we gotta quit before somebody gets hurt
我们都知道我们已经结束了 但是我们并没有说出口
We should say that it's over now, but we won't
每次你我相拥 我便失去理智 失去理智
Every time we touch, I lose my head, lose my head, lose my head
Gimme just a little taste
我便满血复活 今夜我想我不会离开
I'm good as dead I know I'm staying here tonight
每次你我相拥 我便不能自已 不能自已
Every time we touch I lose my head, lose my head, lose my head
And I swore I'd never get back in your bed
But I guess I'm staying here tonight
我厌倦彻夜不能寐 被幻想支配着
I'm getting tired of losing me in losing you while you're using me
我厌倦躲避你的身影 我厌倦了虚情假意
I'm getting tired of losing sleep, the fantasy takes a hold of me
我厌倦 我厌倦这一切…
I'm getting tired of the retreats to your backseat, the cold dark heat
每次你我相拥 我便失去理智 失去理智
I'm getting tired of, I'm getting tired of…
Every time we touch, I lose my head, lose my head, lose my head
我便满血复活 今夜我想我不会离开
Gimme just a little taste
每次你我相拥 我便不能自已 不能自已
I'm good as dead I know I'm staying here tonight
Every time we touch I lose my head, lose my head, lose my head
And I swore I'd never get back in your bed
But I guess I'm staying here tonight
1.Lose My Head