You see,I remember how you said that
看到了吧 我一直记着你的话
"Sometimes I just get a little hard being home"
有些时候回家 脚步总会比较沉重
The sand stuck in my bed and the memories in my head
那些记忆一直在脑海里 让我辗转难眠
And love I've been trying let this whole thing go
See it was late, I dropped you home cause we were sober
但已太迟了 我仍带着你回家了
And you said "well why won't you stay?"
你对我说 为什么不留下来
I said "love, it's just a little late for you to be seeing me this way"
我说 现在才爱我 会不会太迟了
Well you see I, I keep my guard up because you let me down
你知道么 与你一起时我总是杯弓蛇影 也许是太失望了吧
But you can't blame that I wasn't always around(yeah)
But I keep my guard up because you were the one to runaway
我无时无刻不小心翼翼 只因你总离我而去
Well you see I, I keep my guard up because you let me down(oh)
知道么 你给予我的背叛 让我不得不提高警惕
But you can't blame that I wasn't always around(yeah)
I keep my guard up because you were the one to runaway
You were the one to runaway
You see well, I remember how you said that
"Sometimes I get just a little hard being alone"
The sand stuck in my head and memories of us in bed,
美好的回忆 让我寝而不眠
see love,I've was trying let this whole thing go
看到了么 亲爱的 我很努力地想要忘记你
And it was late when I dropped you home cause we were sober
但每当我带你回去时是那么的清醒 我就知道我完了
And you say "well why don't you stay?"
你问我 怎么不留下来
I said "love, it's just a little late for you to be seeing me this way"
我说 现在才需要我 不会太晚么
Well you see I, I keep my guard up because you let me down
与你一起时我不敢太过放松 因为背叛的滋味真不好受
But you can't blame that I wasn't always around(yeah)
I keep my guard cause you were the one to runaway
Well you see I, I keep my guard up because you let me down(oh)
前车之鉴告诉我 要留个心眼了
But you can't blame that I wasn't always around(yeah)
你才是错的那一方 却总是装出无辜的样子
I keep my guard cause you were the one to runaway
Oh well I need, well I need these kisses like they're free
我不喜欢 却需要那些虚伪的吻 让我觉得我还拥有着你
Her voice sings to me when I hear her calling(when I hear her calling)
与陌生人聊天的你 声音真是好听
She gives me kisses like she needs me
And it's so sweet cause I know that she doesn't
太过甜蜜了 让我一眼看穿
But I need these kisses like they're free
真是悲哀啊 我却已此安慰自己
Her voice sings to me when I hear her calling (when I hear her calling)
我把和陌生人聊天的你 当成和我聊天的你
And she gives me kisses like she needs me
And it's so sweet cause I know that she doesn't
但那太假了 我早就知道
Well you see I, I keep my guard up because you let me down
你知道么 我没一刻是放松的 因为你的离去
But you can't blame that I wasn't always around(yeah)
I keep my guard cause you were the one to runaway
Well you see I, I keep my guard up because you let me down(oh)
杯弓蛇影 就因你的欺骗
But you can't blame that I wasn't always around(yeah)
远离的那个 一直是你
I keep my guard cause you were the one to runaway
You were the one to runaway