Heart Of A Lion (Kid Cudi Theme Music)

Please save a cudi that needs some help and i can't begin to
think of anything that could help but the weed is guaranteed indeed just
我对自己都感到一筹莫展了 叶子成了我唯一的需要
what i need how i feel upon a time so recent in time make me sad when
i recollect how it use to be like david and goliath kinda like me and the
devil tryna rip out my soul tryna catch a nigga on sleep no no u can try
好似我在不断面对心魔 魔鬼总是想要剥走我的灵魂 还妄想趁我在睡梦中出其不意,没门儿
again and ill be ready wont let you kill me in my dream like freddy
就算这样的把戏再来一次,我也照样有所准备 我可不会让你像Freddy Krueger(专门在梦里杀人的魔鬼~黑山老妖?)一样在我的梦里把我杀死
krueger nooo im not no loser wont see you in hell
at the end of the day my momma told me dont let no one break me let no one break me
在那最后一天 妈妈告诉我别让任何人把你击溃 别让任何人把你打垮
at end of the day, day, nobody, nobody, ever could stop me ever could stop me
在那最后一天 没有任何人能阻止我 没有任何人能与我媲美
at the end of the day, day you cant regret it if you were trying if you were trying
在那最后一天 如果你想挑战我的权威 如果你不信邪的话 你将没有后悔的机会
at the end of the day i'm walking with a heart of a lion yea
在那最后一天 我怀揣着雄狮之心
please save a kid that needs some help and i can't see ahead of me so i move in stealth
请救救那个孩子吧 我都看不到自己的前路,那就索性隐身
hide and seek within a dream i seem to glide above my horror though i feel ill never be
藏匿于梦境之中,溜过恐惧之地 尽管我永远不能体会到内心的完整
complete inside the dark i borrow to proceed and remain intact my mental is so unstable
and they talk and judge a man they have no clue of what im capable til i show a side of
他们总是对我众说纷纭 但他们对我却一无所知
me no one had thought could be within i told ya no i'm not no loser wont see you in hell
直到我展示自己,然后让他们瞠目结舌 我早告诉过你,我不是个loser,你下地狱去吧
at the end of the day my momma told me dont let no one break me let no one break me
在那最后一天 妈妈告诉我别让任何人把你击溃 别让任何人把你打垮
at end of the day, day, nobody, nobody, ever could stop me ever could stop me
在那最后一天 没有任何人能阻止我 没有任何人能与我媲美
at the end of the day, day you cant regret it if you were trying if you were trying
在那最后一天 如果你想挑战我的权威 如果你不信邪的话 你将没有后悔的机会
at the end of the day i'm walking with a heart of a lion yea
在那最后一天 我怀揣着雄狮之心
no, no, no, no, no, no, noooo YEA no YEA (a heart of a lion ) (x4)
no*4 一颗雄狮之心
i'm just a kid who needs no help ive achieved a bigger thing no cash or check could be more
我只是个亟待被拯救的孩子 我成就了太多太多 任何金钱都无法衡量我的价值
blessed and if you would've seen the things i've seen in my slumber youd be shook stay awake no
如果你见过我梦境里那些东西 你将无比吃惊,幡然醒悟
need to run your fate will follow you you should know not for the faint at heart this world understands
不用逃避,人生轨迹总会跟从命运之路 要知道,这个世界可容不下那种
no cowar its a goal a simple code i stay on the grind to the 25th hour and i know the fight in me is somewhere
内心软弱的懦夫 这就是简单一条的人生准则 我不断奋斗,拼出第二十五小时
hiding deep within i told you no ill never let you drag me down to hell no
at the end of the day my momma told me dont let no one break me let no one break me
我早告诉过你 老子不会让你把我拖入深渊
at end of the day, day, nobody, nobody, ever could stop me ever could stop me
在那最后一天 妈妈告诉我别让任何人把你击溃 别让任何人把你打垮
at the end of the day, day you cant regret it if you were trying if you were trying
在那最后一天 没有任何人能阻止我 没有任何人能与我媲美
at the end of the day i'm walking with a heart of a lion yea
在那最后一天 如果你想挑战我的权威 如果你不信邪的话 你将没有后悔的机会
no, no, no, no, no, no, noooo YEA no YEA (x4)
1.In My Dreams (Cudder Anthem)
2.Soundtrack 2 My Life
3.Simple As...
4.Solo Dolo (nightmare)
5.Heart Of A Lion (Kid Cudi Theme Music)
6.My World
7.Day 'N' Nite (nightmare)
8.Sky Might Fall
9.Enter Galactic (Love Connection Part I)
10.Alive (nightmare)
11.Cudi Zone
12.Make Her Say
13.Pursuit Of Happiness (nightmare)
15.Up Up & Away
16.Man On The Moon (Crookers Remix)
18.Is There Any Love