Rafti az kenaram, az shahr o diyaaram, ey ommid-e zendegaani
Raft az dooriy-eh toh araam o gharaaram, hamchon ayyam-eh javaani
Ghafel ze Ahvaal-e man o, shoor-eh mas ti
Rafti delam az gham shekasti
Bale o par e morg-e omidam raa basti ta reshte-ye olfat gossas ti
Roushan zeh rooyeh toh aashiaan-e man boodi, hameh shab
Toh mooness-eh john, toh ham zabaan-e man boodi, hameh shab
Sobham, shodeh shab, roo zam cho mooye toh
Oftadeh be daam, sei dee be kooy-eh toh
1.Pretty Thoughts
2.Hausch (Dürerstuben Remix) [Alénoise feat. Annabelle]
3.Dead Air (Audioprophecy & Anton M Remix) [feat. Catherine D’Lish]
4.Too Far (Kundalini Remix)
7.Omide Zendegani
8.Where You Been
9.Walking by the Sea
11.No Man's Land [feat. Carmen Consoli]
12.Machins Choses (Almeeva Remix) [feat. Kid A]
13.Love Song 28 (Charles Webster Live Mix) [feat. Bobby]
14.2-02 The Perfect Blues (Jacques Gree
15.Is This
17.Streetcar Haze
20.Love Saves the Day (Soul Clap Remix) [feat. Kathy Diamond]
21.If You Have a Doubt (Mario Basanov Remix) [feat. Overnite]
22.Masibambaneni (feat. Buckz)
23.Home (Oliver Schories Remix) [feat. Slackwax]
24.We All Are Dancing