Some say love is a burning thing
有人说 爱情是令人狂热之物
That it makes a fiery ring
Oh but I know love as a fading thing
Oh 但我深知 爱情也是易逝之物
Just as fickle as a feather in a stream
犹如急湍中的羽毛 飘忽不定
See, honey, I saw love. You see, it came to me
看吧 亲爱的 我看见「爱」了 你看 它正在向我走来
It put its face up to my face so I could see
它与我面对面 我能将其看得清晰
Yeah then I saw love disfigure me
Yeah 而后我才醒悟 爱情使我丑陋不堪
Into something I am not recognizing
See, the cage, it called. I said, "Come on in"
看啊 它就是「牢笼」我说“过来吧”
I will not open myself up this way again
Nor lay my face to the soil, nor my teeth to the sand
也不会面伏泥泞 亦或是白费口舌
I will not lay like this for days now upon end
如今我不会再像这样 一度一蹶不振 苦候结局
You will not see me fall, nor see me struggle to stand
你将看不到我堕入低谷 挣扎起身
To be acknowledge by some touch from his gnarled hands
You see, the cage, it called. I said, "Come on in"
看啊 它就是「牢笼」我说“过来吧”
I will not open myself up this way again
You see, the moon is bright in that treetop night
你看 树梢上的夜空中 静月皎洁
I see the shadows that we cast in the cold, clean light
我看见了 清冷月光映刻出的 我们的影子
My feet are gold. My heart is white
步履如金 心境无暇
And we race out on the desert plains all night
See, honey, I am not some broken thing
看吧 亲爱的 我不是个颓丧的废物
I do not lay here in the dark waiting for thee
我不会停留黑暗中 苦苦等你
No my heart is gold. My feet are light
不 我心如灿金 步伐轻盈
And I am racing out on the desert plains all night
So some say love is a burning thing
有人说 爱情是令人狂热之物
That it makes a fiery ring
Oh but I know love as a caging thing
Oh但我深知 爱情就是用来囚禁人的东西
Just a killer come to call from some awful dream
O and all you folks, you come to see
你 还有你们所有人 都将有幸共睹
You just stand there in the glass looking at me
你就婀娜立于玻璃间 深情地望着我
But my heart is wild. And my bones are steam
可是 我野心勃勃 骨子里气焰嚣张
And I could kill you with my bare hands if I was free
待我自由之时 我将徒手将你杀死
1.Epictacular Then
3.Paper Route
4.Prom Flask
5.Song for Zula
6.Im'ing Cassidy
7.Towards an Unknown Future
8.Turn It Around
9.Drive to Dad's
10.Sutter and Amy
11.Walk in the Trees
12.Amy's House
13.Goodbye, Cassidy
14.It's in the Air
15.My Name Is Sutter Keely
16.I Want to Call Him
17.I'm a King
18.Leaving Her
19.Porch Talk
20.Waiting Room
21.I Wasn't Kicked out, I Left
22.In the Moment
23.Wakin' on a Pretty Day