- Pick a color
- Blue
- Pick a number
- Eight
- Pick another number
- Six
- Dream is destiny...
You know, I just woke from a dream. It wasn't like a typical dream, it seemed more like I'd walked into an alternate universe. Yep, it's real. I mean, technically it's a phenomenon of sleep, but you can have so much damn fun in your dreams. And of course, everyone knows fun rules. Yeah...
1.Levitation Nation
2.Botanical Dimensions
3.Shnitzled in the Negev
4....But Nothing is Lost
5.The Stamen of the Shamen
6.Circuits of the Imagination
7.Linguistic Mystic
10.Molecular Superstructure
12.Connoisseur of Hallucinations
13.The Nebbish Route
14.Falling Awake
15.Schmaltz Herring
16.Turn Up the Silence
17.Outer Shpongolia
18.When Shall I be Free?
19.Nothing Lasts...
20.Periscopes of Consciousness