You push and pull, that's just how it is
An obstacle, lack of narrative
陷入窘境 言语无力
You feel the weight heavy on your shoulders
A conscious choice you make so long ago
冥冥之中 你早已亲自做出抉择
You hear the voice hiding, it sounds so small
聆听脑海中的声音 逐渐匿迹
Reflecting back, your face looks unfamiliar
回溯往昔 已是陌生的自己
I don't know how this goes
I can't tell you just how far it'll go
I need closure, I need hope
渴望画上句点 祈求转机出现
I need closure, I need hope
渴望画上句点 祈求转机出现
(I need closure, I need hope)
渴望画上句点 祈求转机出现
So tell me why, tell me why
告诉我 告诉我为什么
I don't feel like I'm different aside you
和你在一起的我 再也不觉得自己独一无二
Tell me why, tell me why
告诉我 告诉我为什么
I can't see myself in your eyes
在你眼里 我再也找不到我自己
So tell me why, tell me why
告诉我 告诉我为什么
I don't feel like I'm different aside you
和你在一起的我 再也不觉得自己是独一无二的
Tell me why, tell me why
告诉我 告诉我为什么
Tell me why, tell me why
告诉我 告诉我为什么
Love me, love when it's over
爱我吧 当一切结束 让爱开始
When my mind is sober
I don't understand
How you caught on so fast
Life, it's a motion
I'll disrupt
And when it's time to go
I'm in your cycle
It's alright, it's alright
就这样吧 就这样吧
And when it's nightfall
I'll let myself go
So tell me why, tell me why
告诉我 告诉我为什么
I don't feel like I'm different aside you
和你在一起的我 再也不觉得自己是独一无二的
Tell me why, tell me why
告诉我 告诉我为什么
I can't see myself in your eyes
在你眼里 我再也找不到我自己
So tell me why, tell me why
告诉我 告诉我为什么
I don't feel like I'm different aside you
和你在一起的我 再也不觉得自己是独一无二的
Tell me why, tell me why
告诉我 告诉我为什么
Tell me why
So tell me why, tell me why
告诉我 告诉我为什么
I don't feel like I'm different aside you
和你在一起的我 再也不觉得自己是独一无二的
Tell me why, tell me why
告诉我 告诉我为什么
I can't see myself in your eyes
在你眼里 我再也找不到我自己
So tell me why, tell me why (Tell me why)
告诉我 告诉我为什么
I don't feel like I'm different aside you
和你在一起的我 再也不觉得自己是独一无二的
Tell me why, tell me why
告诉我 告诉我为什么
Tell me why