Hello Hello

Hello hello,
嗨 你好啊
I'm comin' down the wire,
I know, I know
是啊 我知道的
You think that I'm a liar,
But I'll be home, and soon my darlin' you'll be here with me.
可是我会回到家中 而我的爱人 你不久将会和我在一起
我拉下百叶窗 靠在窗边煮一杯咖啡
I draw the blinds and make a cup of coffee,
这算是越界了吧 就知道你会想要阻止我
Across the line, I know you tried to stop me
可事实上啊 男人最大的敌人就是自己
But truth be known a man will always be his own worst enemy.
所以别害羞啦 我讲的够清楚了
Don't be so shy, I thought I made it clear,
就这样试一试吧 我会在这里等着你
How could you even dare to ask me why.
It's easy to try, I'm waitin' here for you,
不要这样轻松地问候 你口中的一切听起来都像是在道别
The last thing I want to do is say goodbye.
我又在打电话给你 现在是晚上7点
Don't tell me hello hello when everything you say sounds like goodbye.
总说我们只是朋友 如果朋友都这么暧昧不清的话
I call again, it's 7 in the evening,
所以别害羞啦 我讲的够清楚了
Say we're friends, if friends are so misleading
Everything we've known might as well be thrown into the sea.
就这样试一试吧 我会在这里等着你
Don't be so shy, I thought I made it clear,
不要这样轻松地问候 你口中的一切听起来都像是在道别
How could you even dare to ask me why.
就这样试一试吧 我会在这里等着你
It's easy to try, I'm waitin' here for you,
The last thing I want to do is say goodbye.
不要这样轻松地问候 你口中的一切听起来都像是在道别
Don't tell me hello hello when everything you say sounds like goodbye.
不要这样轻松地问候 你口中的一切听起来都像是在道别
It's easy to try, I'm waitin' here for you,
The last thing I want to do is say goodbye.
Don't tell me hello hello when everything you say sounds like goodbye.
Don't tell me hello hello when everything you say sounds like goodbye.
1.Hello Hello
3.Good Love
4.Tiny Little Piece of My Heart
5.Everything Is Beautiful and New
6.If You Really Do
7.This Girl's Prepared for War
8.Devil on Tambourine
9.Darkness All Around Us
10.Music and Light